Champing at the bit

so you got pigs in blankets :wink:
that’s gotta hurt fella hope it clears up with as little problems as pos

I was all set to go back in today, 4 days off being the longest either of us could put up with, then on Christmas day, being helpful, I managed to shoot all the turkey juices out of the pan and over my foot whilst taking it out of the oven. I now have a left foot which looks like a pound of fresh liver, have got to go up to A&E every 3 days for new dressing, and been told today that it’ll be 2 weeks before I can get my boots back on.

0Sorry if it puts anybody off their dinner!

Think I’ll be divorced if we have to spend that long together!

Your doctors practise nurse should be able to change that rather than use a+e

Hope it gets better soon.

I went to the walk-in centre when it first happened, but they sent me to a&e. Asked them today about going yo the local practice, but they’ve said they want me in a&e until it dries up and starts scabbing.

Bloody well throbs though - I’ll keep well sway from the kitchen from now on :slight_smile:

OUCH :open_mouth: :open_mouth: heck that looks really raw & painful. Poor you. They probably sent you to a+e due to the fact that burns can become infected very fast!
I hope you have a speedy recovery.

After all that excitement they let me go home early at 13.00 full pay :laughing:
they did bang the pressure on, got a call saying the whole depot (engineers and office) can go home early if I got back before 12.30 as I was the only driver in, sods the m60 was rammed too :laughing:

Feel ill just saw that picture :open_mouth:

I have an assessment drive on the 6th of Jan. Can’t wait.

Sorry if it puts anybody off their dinner!

On the contrary; it looks delicious.

You are best off leaving dangerous activities like housework and cooking to the Mrs


I have an assessment drive on the 6th of Jan. Can’t wait.

Best of luck I hope you get on ok.