George cole
Alex Ferguson by the look on his face this afternoon lol
Bet none of you saw this one coming…
Bugger, I was gonna put a tenner on Deirdrie as well.
Cilla Black snuffed it today. What a Surprise Surprise that was, chuck.
That’s sad about Cilla (for heaven or hell!)
But I’m surprised Ken Dodd is still kicking, and last thing I heard was that:-
Ken Dodd’s Dad’s Dogs Dead.
Try telling that to your mates!
Cilla got to the Pearly Gates and was duly met by Saint Peter who greeted her with “So what’s yer name an where from Chuck?”
George cole
bloody hell!!
George colebloody hell!!
All the hearses are fully booked, the day of his funeral. However I’ve got a V reg black Granada Estate around the back I can offer the undertaker. 2.8litre, automatic, low mileage (the odometer numbers pretty much line up). £3000 for cash guv and I’ll even throw in a can of T Cut.
George colebloody hell!!
Spooky! Or just a poster who’ll go to any lengths to be proved right? Just joshing kr79, good guess.
Has Terry Wogan popped it yet?