CB radio revival

ive 1 of these lying wrapped up at home…apparantly covers as much as poss on a cb (and a bit more) too involved and expensive for the truck so 40 on am does fine there.il need to bung it on ebay as i see them going for well over 200 quid( memo to self,sell this and cash it in).even if the skip is poor,you can guarantee itl ruin the months of solitude and self abuse from your local radio control aeroplane anorak once you find what channel he is on,and watch his pride and joy plummet earthwards as max speed. :slight_smile:

To be fair a radio ham who plays with a massive radio lit up like Blackpool at Christmas with the words “Magnum” and “Top Gun” written on the front might be sailing close to the anorak stakes too :laughing: :wink:

Freight Dog:

ive 1 of these lying wrapped up at home…apparantly covers as much as poss on a cb (and a bit more) too involved and expensive for the truck so 40 on am does fine there.il need to bung it on ebay as i see them going for well over 200 quid( memo to self,sell this and cash it in).even if the skip is poor,you can guarantee itl ruin the months of solitude and self abuse from your local radio control aeroplane anorak once you find what channel he is on,and watch his pride and joy plummet earthwards as max speed. :slight_smile:

To be fair a radio ham who plays with a massive radio lit up like Blackpool at Christmas with the words “Magnum” and “Top Gun” written on the front might be sailing close to the anorak stakes too :laughing: :wink:

Thats how they are now.


Freight Dog:

ive 1 of these lying wrapped up at home…apparantly covers as much as poss on a cb (and a bit more) too involved and expensive for the truck so 40 on am does fine there.il need to bung it on ebay as i see them going for well over 200 quid( memo to self,sell this and cash it in).even if the skip is poor,you can guarantee itl ruin the months of solitude and self abuse from your local radio control aeroplane anorak once you find what channel he is on,and watch his pride and joy plummet earthwards as max speed. :slight_smile:

To be fair a radio ham who plays with a massive radio lit up like Blackpool at Christmas with the words “Magnum” and “Top Gun” written on the front might be sailing close to the anorak stakes too :laughing: :wink:

ouch!!!.. :smiley:
well seeing as its american that stuff is class for the yanks .they have mustangs and cobras and we have morris minors and wolsley…and please,please please dont describe me as a radio ham…never in a million years. :slight_smile:


Freight Dog:

ive 1 of these lying wrapped up at home…apparantly covers as much as poss on a cb (and a bit more) too involved and expensive for the truck so 40 on am does fine there.il need to bung it on ebay as i see them going for well over 200 quid( memo to self,sell this and cash it in).even if the skip is poor,you can guarantee itl ruin the months of solitude and self abuse from your local radio control aeroplane anorak once you find what channel he is on,and watch his pride and joy plummet earthwards as max speed. :slight_smile:

To be fair a radio ham who plays with a massive radio lit up like Blackpool at Christmas with the words “Magnum” and “Top Gun” written on the front might be sailing close to the anorak stakes too :laughing: :wink:

ouch!!!.. :smiley:
well seeing as its american that stuff is class for the yanks .they have mustangs and cobras and we have morris minors and wolsley…and please,please please dont describe me as a radio ham…never in a million years. :slight_smile:

Ha! Nah I’m not calling it. Hobbies are great! I’ve got something along the lines of those toy aeroplanes. Toy rc cars you have to build. Thats well geeky. I don’t care it cracks me up. It’s great crack getting them out when half cut with your mates after a boozy dinner down the pub. They wind the local dogs and cats up something mental. Just hope your twin brother isn’t next door firing the mic off his top gun otherwise I’d prob smack one into the neighbour’s Chelsea tractor. Again :laughing:

well ive not done it for ages and its not as much fun messing when the radio controlled boat guys are out at the harbour as it just bolloxes up the way it goes,the best that happens is that if flips over or floats out to sea.so prob similar for your cars,but aeroplanes are so much more craic…the anoraks face goes between eager expectation folowed by puzzlement,annoyance,surprise,flat panic,then terror as he watches last years entire effort either head off into the blue yonder,climb flat out,or plummet earthwards at max speed before mashing into a million bits.theres more points awarded if you just mess with him in stages to see if he brings it down and fiddles with it a cpl times so he thinks its just a glitch before the inevitable final flight to doomsville.best doing it unobserved though its difficult not to be obviously knotted up trying not to look.


, along with all the ■■■■■■■ down the mic…although that could have been interference i dont know…

:laughing: :laughing:
There are definitely a lot of sophisticated intellectuals in the world of trucking eh Andrew. :laughing:


well ive not done it for ages and its not as much fun messing when the radio controlled boat guys are out at the harbour as it just bolloxes up the way it goes,the best that happens is that if flips over or floats out to sea.so prob similar for your cars,but aeroplanes are so much more craic…the anoraks face goes between eager expectation folowed by puzzlement,annoyance,surprise,flat panic,then terror as he watches last years entire effort either head off into the blue yonder,climb flat out,or plummet earthwards at max speed before mashing into a million bits.theres more points awarded if you just mess with him in stages to see if he brings it down and fiddles with it a cpl times so he thinks its just a glitch before the inevitable final flight to doomsville.best doing it unobserved though its difficult not to be obviously knotted up trying not to look.

Ha. That reminds me of that old hamlet cigar advert with the toy submarine :laughing:

ive 1 of these lying wrapped up at home…apparantly covers as much as poss on a cb (and a bit more) too involved and expensive for the truck so 40 on am does fine there.il need to bung it on ebay as i see them going for well over 200 quid( memo to self,sell this and cash it in).even if the skip is poor,you can guarantee itl ruin the months of solitude and self abuse from your local radio control aeroplane anorak once you find what channel he is on,and watch his pride and joy plummet earthwards as max speed. :slight_smile:

Looks more like something you would find in the ■■■■ pit of a plane than in a truck. Does look very pro though, although would imagine complicated to use, not too sure that would just bring down model planes, good chance it could bring down the International space station looking at that.


ive 1 of these lying wrapped up at home…apparantly covers as much as poss on a cb (and a bit more) too involved and expensive for the truck so 40 on am does fine there.il need to bung it on ebay as i see them going for well over 200 quid( memo to self,sell this and cash it in).even if the skip is poor,you can guarantee itl ruin the months of solitude and self abuse from your local radio control aeroplane anorak once you find what channel he is on,and watch his pride and joy plummet earthwards as max speed. :slight_smile:

Looks more like something you would find in the ■■■■ pit of a plane than in a truck. Does look very pro though, although would imagine complicated to use, not too sure that would just bring down model planes, good chance it could bring down the International space station looking at that.

its only a full spec multimode type cb.all whistles and bells for the yanks that want the flashy top spec bling box…im surprised it hasnt got a couple of stacks up the back of it,but if you read all the bumph about it,then its the dogs biscuits for perfomance and up there with the best.ive never really used it for years,the only time id be on one is for the boat traffic but i just keep forgetting to take time to put it on ebay. :slight_smile: