CB radio is great!

Dogs Dinner:
Was just wondering how many of you guys and gals use CB? Ive been hgv 2 for 6+ years and use it daily for directions,traffic reports,speed trap locations and just having a chat on the long halls.I reckon 80% of trucks have cb ariels and there are still lots of homebaser’s around and cb suppliers for that matter (thunderpole crow lane northampton,cb shack at lymm truckstop to name but a few).

I was using that on one of my jobs in Scotland and I was suprised how unpopular it is here. But then I managed to switch it to EU channels and then it become to be much better.

If some of you have european channels switch it to that and check 19 or 29 - 29 is traditionaly “polish drivers abroad channel”… That’s looks to be most busy channel in UK :wink: No wonder, as in Poland almost everyone have CB radio and plenty of cars got it as well… I know that DAF have CB antenna fitted as a standard for polish market… I had one in my car when I was traveling to Turkey and altough it had very poor range I heard polish language very often up to Istanbul…

So yeah, I agree with you: that can be great help, even in UK - if you speak polish :wink:

hi all well i have mine on all the time and i use FM UK but i live in germany . handle is boosty . been over the uk as well i dont think you can get done think about it how meny jobs use radios , police taxi drivers and there are a lots more . so i carnt see how thay can justify doing you as you only turn a button to change chanal with a phone you have to look at the phone to use it . drive safe keep the CB going . catch you on air .

Thanks Ken, I rang this chap and it turns out he is just 10 minutes up the road from me. Going round to look at his setup on Tuesday.

Well that was very interesting. He has a very smart setup, a Yaeso (forget the model), amplifier and a big tall mast in the garden which is directional at the touch of a button in his shack. He gave me lots of info, some mags and an offer, if I pass my exams, of a loan of a mobile radio he no longer uses (I already have a transformer) and to come down to my place and fix up a wire antenna across the garden (I have tall trees immediately to the north and east). All I have to buy then is an ATU.

Also he said if I get in touch with the bloke at the nearest club to find out if they do the course etc. he’ll come up with me to their club day and meet them all.
I duly emailed this chap who replied immediately to say that they run courses for all 3 levels and, I think, may run the exams there too. He himself does the class 3, rules and regulations, and pointed me to his website where I could see an old exam paper. Obviously I need to learn the stuff but the multiple choice questions seem straightforward enough in the time (20 mins) available.

The classes 2 and 1 are also done there and the mystery of the Morse or not was cleared up - it’s optional.

So, may be up there in the next couple of weeks to find out more. :wink: :laughing:

Nice one David.

Here in the UK,if you can write your name,you’re almost guaranteed to get the M3 foundation licence.I’m not belittling it,as it’s designed not to be too taxing,and to give people a helping hand onto the ladder.

Things do get a bit trickier when you take the 2E0 intermediate licence,as I found out last year.I’m now gearing up for the final step,and that is the M0 full licence,which I’m hoping to take in October.

All I can say,is to yourself,good luck,and I hope you enjoy learning new things,and to those that are reading this,and thinking of maybe making some enquiries as to what it’s about,then follow David’s lead,and see what it has to offer.

If you like playing radio,then you’ll not be disappointed.


David, pleased everyone over there are giving you the encouragement to go for it.
I know the Hams on this forum are rooting for you. Best of luck mate

Anyone else that is vaguely interested heres a link to the RSGB (The national organisation)


Sorry for not replying sooner to you two but I’ve been away for a week and before that busy with this and that and must have missed it.

Still haven’t been up to the club yet as either the secretary, my new friend or me have not been available at the right time. Was hoping for tomorrow but things to do have ruled it out again.

However, they must have put me on their members’ mailing list at the club because I am getting all the emails between the members forwarded automatically to me. Very friendly though.

The secretary is the one who does the 3rd classe (Foundation) course and I write to him in French and he replies in English, so understanding what I need to know and do should be easy from a language point of view. All I need now is for them to allow a French/English dictionary into the exam. Can’t see why not.

Just as a backup I have been in touch with the RSGB and they have been falling over themselves with advice as well. Upshot is I can buy the books and study alone here but would have to go to Blighty for the exams. My nearest clubs are probably Worthing or Dover :open_mouth: (short sea crossing - cheaper :wink: ), but the way things are shaping up I reckon here is my best bet. Also the nice lady at the RSGB thinks that a UK Full licence could not be exchanged for anything other than a 3rd classe French one, because of the UK doing away with morse. She was pleased when I gave her the news about morse being optional here so her info is probably out of date.

Anyway will keep you all posted when I finally get there and sorted out. :laughing:

Hi David,
Im glad everyone you have spoken to is giving you encouragement.
Contacting the RSGB definatley a GOOD STEP, get the Foundation License book I think most things will be similar to the French 3rd class. Probably doing the M3 as well if you come over the ditch (Channel) fairly often.

I’ll give you your first lesson

Volts divided by Amps = Ohms

(Volts is potential difference, Amps is current (I) , Ohms is resistance (R))

Think of a hose pipe Volts will be the pressure (KG per square centimetre)
Amps will be the flow (Litres per minute)
Ohms (Squeeze the endof the pipe)

Volts multiplied by Amps = Watts (power P )

I * R

I * R

Hi David,
Im glad everyone you have spoken to is giving you encouragement.
Contacting the RSGB definatley a GOOD STEP, get the Foundation License book I think most things will be similar to the French 3rd class. Probably doing the M3 as well if you come over the ditch (Channel) fairly often.

I’ll give you your first lesson

Volts divided by Amps = Ohms

(Volts is potential difference, Amps is current (I) , Ohms is resistance (R))

Think of a hose pipe Volts will be the pressure (KG per square centimetre)
Amps will be the flow (Litres per minute)
Ohms (Squeeze the end of the pipe)

Volts multiplied by Amps = Watts (power P )

I * R

I * R

To use these triangles just put your finger over the value you are trying to find and what remains is the formula you want.
Good luck David
73 de Tony