CB radio is great!


Further to the above…

At one point when I was on local work that day,I had a lengthy conversation with the guy in Cromer,as I was sat at J41 M1,on my Yaesu FT 60 handheld with a partially charged battery,into the repeater,at about 3 watts. He also had a back to back conversation the same day, (Or simplex as we call it,) not using a repeater,into Doncaster,using 50 watts.

And it’s surprising how many truck drivers are switching to amateur radio nowadays,so much so,I’m Chairman of my local radio club.

Does’nt really make any difference if it’s VHF or FM you still cant use it on the road, though I think either is worth having especialy if you happen to be on nights out :smiley:

Not strictly true.

When I took my M3,I asked the question about using a hand mic while on the move,and apparantly,there is a little known piece of legislation,which is only applicable to certain radio operators,radio hams included,where you cannot be prosecuted for using the mic.But I’ve yet to see it in black and white.

However,the police would probably do you for not being in proper control of your vehicle.


Class one aye rog-no not yet anyway,i dont like things that bend in the middle and go the wrong way! Oh and by the way,as an hgv driver you are entitled to use a two way radio or cb radio under the new mobile phone handsfree laws.

well either way,i think we all no that this health and safety is going the wrong way.OTT. Other wk i was picking up a load of block paving from cannock, large open yard one forklift and me sat in cab with safety glasses,hard hat and hi viz!! Really no need.

Have just googled 'handsfree law and two way radio, and quote from the bill says the definition ‘any device other than a two way radio…’ hope this helps.

I think mr plod can still ‘do you’ under something like due care and attention, or similar.

It is my understanding that the mobile phone law was not extended to all radio equipment as the police would then not have been able to use their communication equipment.

BTW I am a licensed radio ham who had to learn morse at 12 words per minute to get my ‘A’ class licence as it was then - callsign G3VC - quite distinctive!

Mr plod can do you for eating a kit kat or smoking a ■■■,i read i this mths truck and driver that one of the wales forces have new cameras that focus on the driver to see if he or she is eating or smoking!! A great use of ££S. What ever happened to police going out and nicking baddies!! Well maybe thats another subject.Never thought of going for ham licence or the like,all sounds bit like for the brain boxs out there.

What ever happened to police going out and nicking baddies!!

How many people would still say that if it was a driver doing something they should not be doing when they killed their precious loved one :question: :question: :question:

yes,but (always a but isnt there) if you have eaten a kit kat as many have or smoked a ■■■ as even more have at the wheel,that is totally different to that dutch trucker steering with his knees and eating pasta from his saucepan. I personally have seen left hookers from other countries watchind dvds at the wheel,and also many times guys with BOTH feet on the dash stretched out, crazy isnt the word.ignorant self centered murder are prob more the words and a few more at that! (rant over!) but yes i agree it must be totally awfull to be a victim or victims family of one of those accidents.

Dogs Dinner:
What ever happened to police going out and nicking baddies!!

They’re all in the nick doing freaking paperwork! Honestly, it’s a complete disaster, you wouldn’t believe the hoops coppers have to jump through just to keep their heads above the water!..just one of the reasons yours truly is getting out!

If the public only knew what really goes on and the wastage of time and resources within the police…you’d freak out! But try and get a pen from admin and you’re knackered! :unamused: :laughing:


ellies dad:
I have one but, it doesnt get used that much any more

Is that due to the tightening of the rules regarding the controlling of the vehicle whilst on a communication device :question:
Since the hand held mobile phone law, a lot have not used them for fear of being done for not being in proper control of the vehicle - it aint worth a possible 6 points.

Funnily enough the law restricting the use of mobile phones does NOT apply to CB radio, the law could do you for driving without due care but they have always been able to do that… :unamused:

Smart Mart:
I think mr plod can still ‘do you’ under something like due care and attention, or similar.

It is my understanding that the mobile phone law was not extended to all radio equipment as the police would then not have been able to use their communication equipment.

BTW I am a licensed radio ham who had to learn morse at 12 words per minute to get my ‘A’ class licence as it was then - callsign G3VC - quite distinctive!

Dont hear many callsigns like that, The club callsign is old, its G5RR, confuses alot of people on HF though, they always think they are missing a letter.

But anyway, the wireless telegraphy act says that you are allowed to use a fist mic and driver. If i remember right, its because you can say hang on, or round to you or whatever or even standby if you need to concentrate, let go of the mic and concentrate. Here is a link to the whole legal thing, abit confusing. The Road Vehicles (Construction and Use) (Amendment) (No. 4) Regulations 2003 Look at paragraph 2 then paragraph 4.
However, if you are moving all over the road, and not in controlle of the car or truck you are in then you can still be done for it.
I’m M3MFZ by the way. Did a morse test for that, it wasnt 12 words per minute.



ellies dad:
I have one but, it doesnt get used that much any more

Is that due to the tightening of the rules regarding the controlling of the vehicle whilst on a communication device :question:
Since the hand held mobile phone law, a lot have not used them for fear of being done for not being in proper control of the vehicle - it aint worth a possible 6 points.

Funnily enough the law restricting the use of mobile phones does NOT apply to CB radio, the law could do you for driving without due care but they have always been able to do that… :unamused:

Very true - I just think that these days they are being more vigilant and are more likely to spot a CB user whilst they are looking for mobile phone ones.

yes i supose they could do you for that,tell me more about this ham/amateur radio,sounds interesting

Well ham radio is like CB but better. You do need a licence, but it isnt too bad. There are alot of truck drivers on there, i was speeking to 2 on my paper round on there.
Basicly, you do a trainging thing, which takes a couple of weekends, or you train yourself with a book. Take a test at the end and if you pass you wait abit and get your call sign. The radios can be cheap or expensive, depends how much you want to spend. I bought a hand-held that was £10, it was second hand and pretty new.
Or you can buy a mobile rig for something like £90 i think, a Yaesu one, cant remember the name, its the one down from the FT2800. Might be the FT1208.
But you go further. With this high pressure, i was talking to someone in Holland on the repeater over there which ran something like 1watt, and i was running 2 watts, with a not too high gain arial on the side of the house.
It can also be technical, or as simple as you like. Now you dont even need to know how to put on a connector like a PL259 because of these compression ones. They make it simpler for mobile though.
Oh, there are internet repeaters, so you can go on there and dial up a repeater in Australia and talk to someone there.
The more bands make it better. I could go on the radio now, running my legal 10W and easily get into Italy. Been to America on 10W aswell on HF.
Its a nice thing to kill the time though. You can go on, get talking to someone and be talking to them for hour. I have been from Nottingham to Hull on one repeater(GB3IN) running it all the way talking to people on it.
There isnt supposed to be traffic reports on there though, but you will find some people ‘accidently’ slip them in, or just say them, because really it will only be the some of the older folk, or someone that doesnt like the them to grass the person up.
That should have coverd most things about it. The its missed out will be filled in by someone else.
But if you can, get to a local radio club. They will give you more information, you will be able to have a listen around on the radio, and i think be able to use it aswell. They will also be able to help you train up. Dont see the training as hard. Its basicly all common sence, and if you have a slight knowledge of the bands, and slight technical knowledge then you can pass it easy.

I still have a homebase CB as im not a wagon driver yet still quite a few others with homebase set ups I did mention somewhere on this site that my father in law steve used to have a CB shop in sutton bridge next to frankeis cafe. Also me, Steve and my other half are hams Steve has got an M0 callsign me and the mrs are m3’s. There is on sure way of gettin away with usin radio use a boom mic and put the PTT (Push To Talk) button on the gear stick the law cannot do you for that (Steve found out not long after he made his boom mic.

like this one but its expensive thunderpole.co.uk/microphones-hands-free.htm

oh not quite as complicated as i once thought then,sounds interesting,certanly food for thought.Will always have my cb but it sounds like somthing maybe for the future,thanks guys.

i wonder if there is a company that makes handsfree cb mics, surely easy to make or atleast fit the ptt button on a separate wire that can be attached near or on the stearing wheel (without hampering driving of course) might have a go at that if i can find an old mic in my dads loft.

I use a CB whch is also a Ham Radio, great fun… :wink:

Hi mr smee,ham and cb? I see your at cannock (i heard on the cb of a shop round there,radio…somthing-i went but loads of kids outside and it didnt seem much friendlier inside also.maybe just went on the wrong day?) maybe you no a little bout my next Q. Anybody no anything reg 10meter cb radios? Have seen them advertised on ebay,and in cb shops i guess you need some form of licence for them as there all 25+watts output,and standard cb’s run at 4watt’s max output? someone on the cb said you can speak to breakers abroad? sounds like a powerfull bit of kit to me!

Radios operating on 10m,are only legally allowed to be used by radio hams.Anyone who tells you otherwise,is lying,and if caught,you leave yourself open to prosecution.

If a CB is what you want,then you are only allowed 4w legally.Any more power than that,again if caught,you leave yourself open to prosecution,however,as Ofcom couldn’t care less,then the chances of you getting caught,are almost zero.

The decision is yours,but if range is what your after,and you want to avoid a load of foul mouth people,then ham radio is the way to go.If your not bothered,then by all means,go down the cb route.
