Do the DSA not have stand in examiners for such occurrences?

We pay 115 quid for a test. You’d think that there’d be something in place.

Do the DSA not have stand in examiners for such occurrences?

Yes. The relief was with us in time for the second test of the day. When someone rings in sick at 8 I don’t think that’s bad.

But it’s no comfort to the one who was booked for the first test.

Pete :laughing: :laughing:


Could the relief examiner not work later ? , or would it be to dark this time of year ?


It would be too dark. I have known examiners to be extremely flexible under similar circumstances but it just doesn’t work at this time of year.

We have no control over examiners although it’s our test centre. The examiners are employed by DSA. We do everything possible to keep them onside so we get maximum co-operation when things go wrong.

It’s unlike me to defend the DSA but, in these circumstances, everything that could be reasonably done, was done.

As I said before, that’s no comfort to this particular candidate.

Pete :laughing: :laughing:

Passed today by the skin of my teeth (11 minors), not the best drive ive had but no speeding or hesitation lol. Will be doing initial cpc asap and hopefully C+E too depending on how much cash i can wrangle out of friends and family.
Cheers to all at Pete Smythe Transport Training :slight_smile:

That’s great news! Congratulations. Sorry I missed you this morning but looks like we’ll be meeting again soon.

Once again, well done.

Pete :laughing: :laughing:

:smiley: :smiley:

Well done mate!
Mario :wink:


11 minors isn’t too bad. And license just comes back with a full category. So no one ever has to know.

Onward and upward.

Passed today by the skin of my teeth (11 minors), not the best drive ive had but no speeding or hesitation lol. Will be doing initial cpc asap and hopefully C+E too depending on how much cash i can wrangle out of friends and family.
Cheers to all at Pete Smythe Transport Training :slight_smile:

Well done - persistence pays, doesn’t it?

Like you, I failed two C tests - the second one with PSTT. No fault of theirs I must add - due entirely to my nerves on the day. It makes the eventual pass feel even more of an achievement.

Like many others on here, I cannot speak too highly of PSTT or of Peter himself (or the other Pete, or Chris or Nick). After three attempts to get My C licence I went straight back to PSTT and passed my CE first time. Maybe you will decide to do the same.

Well done again and good luck in your new career.


Thanks for the replys/advice, etc, chaps

Congratulations. Well done.

As mentioned no one needs to know ref minors etc. I know it’s nice to get the best poss result from the off but so long as you can do it and continue to improve with more experience (and without the pressure of a test) then who cares. A perfect test performance does not a perfect driver make.