Cars trying to push in on slip roads

i have stopped pulling over to middle lane to let cars out most of whom are to ignorant to acknowledge me or let me past them i end up looking like an ■■■ stuck in the middle lane getting abuse from people who think i am stupid

I’m with you on that one.

I refuse to move over when on the motorway,after all,I have the right of way.


I love it when people cut me up only to find
a red light in front of them.

Gives me time to get out and
inform them of my opinion.

Especially the boy racer who cut me up near Hyde,
and when i beeped , gave me the finger.
(he thought if he pretended to adjust his radio at the lights,
i might forget to vent my anger :laughing: )

I dont bother giving way when someone wants to join a motorway anymore. And it isn’t just car drivers who, if you move over to the middle lane to let them out, accelerate leaving you in the middle lane either. The idiot wincanton driver pulling a whitbread trailer who I let join the motorway at Hungerford last week did exactly the same thing! Thats why I aint gonna do it anymore.

Yeah, I wiped the side of a hi-ace van out on what’s laughingly called the Ipswich Motorway (a goat track between Brisbane and Ipswich). I’d eased back for two cars and a truck, but enough is enough, so when boy racer comes up and tries to shove me over (this is after the end of the slip road), he realises that that the solid bull bar doesn’t fold up like his van. He started with the offside front door and didn’t give up until he tore his tail light out. :smiley: Then told me I should have let him go. :unamused: