Caravan in the outside lane?

When joining the motorway from the 3rd lane what distance would be viewed as too far to move over to lane 2 or 1 ?

Punchy Dan:
When joining the motorway from the 3rd lane what distance would be viewed as too far to move over to lane 2 or 1 ?

I would say that the point where the white lines change is also the point you should be in lane 2.

I can’t recall joining a motorway in the 3rd lane but I’m thinking as an example of the M6 southbound at the A38 exit (jct 6?) the white lines change about 1/2 mile from the junction meaning HGVs can use the outside lane as it’s effectively a 2-lane motorway, likewise once you’ve passed the junction the same white lines continue for a while as the on slip becomes the inside lane, at the point where they revert back to standard lane dividers is where you would need to be in lane 2.

M60 bredbury to go anti-clockwise .

Start of the M11 off of the clockwise A406 you join in the 3rd lane!


I had an artic overtake me in lane 3 coming up Lancaster yesterday morning. I was on limiter overtaking another truck and he must have got impatient…tbf I did not take that long to overtake, but he was obviously in some kind of rush, and could not spare another 15 seconds :unamused: …probably a bend over type when his boss told him to get there by x o clock at all costs.
Was not too bothered tbh,it was his licence not mine, but just to cap it off he cut in on me which made me want to kneecap the ■■■■■. :imp:

Had a Dutchman elephant racing me in lane 4 on the M25 Friday :open_mouth:

must of been a pile of dutch ■■■■ , the motors you drive aint that fast

My fiesta cabside on your right ? Prob annoying half the time lol

7.t ton truck are also no longer allowed in 3rd lane iirc.

If the vehicle is fitted with a speed limiter or is towing, then it is not allowed in the outside lane of the motorway. So this would include modern 7.5t trucks unless the limiter has been removed. I know a few 7.5t trucks that don’t have limiters and can manage 70mph :wink:

You often see cars, vans, pick ups in lane 3 pulling trailers, I just think they are totally unaware that it’s illegal.
It’s like everything else, this subject, tailgating, lane discipline, and general crap driving on M.ways, will always be there, until it goes back to the days of regular Police patrol car presence on M.ways instead of reliance on cameras.

Fatboy slimslow:
M6 north, :grimacing: just past gate 11! Allowed up the slip to enter onto M6 toll! :laughing: thank you.

I’m not sure you are. My satnav tries to send me up there every time and I see cars and vehicles swerving across the motorway every time I go through following their satnavs at the last minute. There’s no sign to say HGVs are allowed in the outside lane and the lanes are painted just the same as any 3 lane motorway.