Cancer stuff

well done orcadian, its the greatest job you will have ever done m8, thats how i felt anyway i cared for 8years the loss is massive but it will make you stronger in time it did me, well done and good luck bud

well done orcadian, its the greatest job you will have ever done m8, thats how i felt anyway i cared for 8years the loss is massive but it will make you stronger in time it did me, well done and good luck bud

+1 on this.
lost my mum and dad to cancer. its hard at first, but it does get easier with time.

bald bloke:
lost my Dad to bowel cancer in January of this year although they caught it pretty early it was too late, he was only 73. I went 25 years without seeing him but got back in contact 5 years ago so at least he got to know me again and his Granddaughter.

Since I posted this I have now lost my Mum also to cancer she was only 74. It’s a terrible disease which can effect anyone from any walk of life . I went on to raise nearly £1,000 for St.Peter’s Hospice where my Mum spent her final days doing the Bristol 10k, what fantastic people work in at these places.

well done orcadian, its the greatest job you will have ever done m8, thats how i felt anyway i cared for 8years the loss is massive but it will make you stronger in time it did me, well done and good luck bud

thank you for your good wishes, its a long climb back to normality but I’m thankful I as able to care for her.

I may grow my grey hair and stop shaving my noggin :open_mouth:

A story :wink:
Just over ten years ago my step son was aged ten years, he was diagnosed with non Hodgkins lymphoma.
The poor kid was in hospital for nigh on twelve months with either his mum, grandma or me with him 24/7.
We kept his room happy and fun, even to the extent the nurses came to Keirons room for their breaks just to have a natter and a laugh with us as they thought we where all just a bit nuts.
The hell (chemotherapy) went on as I say for a year and Kerion was given a tentative with strings attached all clear though for 5 years he had to go back every few months, now he is twenty and a strapping lad at Uni but still have check ups every year for the rest of his life.
About 6 months after he was in hospital we had a chat with the consultant who admitted Kieran was his miracle child and he had at least three or four occasions he thought Keiron would not pull through and he said he thinks a lot of his recovery came from the strength of his family and positive attitude that Keiron and us his family had as he (the consultant) could not see a good end at the time but he did not relay this to us again at the time.
The power of the mind is a powerful thing, I have experienced what can be called mind over mood (actually there is a book called that (cognitive therapy) dont knock it until you have to use it, :wink:

bald bloke:

bald bloke:
lost my Dad to bowel cancer in January of this year although they caught it pretty early it was too late, he was only 73. I went 25 years without seeing him but got back in contact 5 years ago so at least he got to know me again and his Granddaughter.

Since I posted this I have now lost my Mum also to cancer she was only 74. It’s a terrible disease which can effect anyone from any walk of life . I went on to raise nearly £1,000 for St.Peter’s Hospice where my Mum spent her final days doing the Bristol 10k, what fantastic people work in at these places.

Since i posted this the Father in law has been told he has cancer and is gravely ill in Hospital and it’s only a matter of time. So for the wife and i it’s going to be losing 3 parents to cancer in less than 3 years, i hate ■■■■■■■ cancer.

It has been said on the news today that an update on cancer says that 50% of us will have some type of cancer before we die.
It may be that many men with such things as prostate cancer, die with it rather than from it, such cancers if caught early enough can be managed if not cured.
I have related these events on earlier threads:
My wife is a priest, she eats sensibly and walks everywhere, but that did not prevent her from bowel cancer over five years ago.
Although caught early she was given a 50% chance of survival, but with much good care from surgeons, and much prayer from our friends, she has emerged with the all clear after five years.
My brother was diagnosed with an aggressive type of lung cancer at the same time as my wife. He underwent massive surgery, chemo therapy, and was in constant pain for two years before he died.
My brother and I were brought up in a Christian family, but over the years my brother had drifted away and had no time for religion.
However when he was struck down, towards the end he would hold my wife’s hand and ask her what was in store, and my wife told him she could offer no miracles, but he would never be alone.
My brother died in peace and as he instructed, my wife conducted his funeral.
After three years I still miss my brother terribly, but I thank God that my wife survived.

it is nearly 4 years ago that my dad died of cancer his was caught much too late mam wanted him to go to Dr much earlier but he was stubborn & wouldnt by the time he went it was far too advanced as it had spread from the lower bowel liver lungs intestine & he never smoked in his life

bald bloke:

bald bloke:

bald bloke:
lost my Dad to bowel cancer in January of this year although they caught it pretty early it was too late, he was only 73. I went 25 years without seeing him but got back in contact 5 years ago so at least he got to know me again and his Granddaughter.

Since I posted this I have now lost my Mum also to cancer she was only 74. It’s a terrible disease which can effect anyone from any walk of life . I went on to raise nearly £1,000 for St.Peter’s Hospice where my Mum spent her final days doing the Bristol 10k, what fantastic people work in at these places.

Since i posted this the Father in law has been told he has cancer and is gravely ill in Hospital and it’s only a matter of time. So for the wife and i it’s going to be losing 3 parents to cancer in less than 3 years, i hate [zb] cancer.

Father in law has now passed on unfortunately God rest his soul, I’m almost resigned to the fact that one day my turn will come.