No point getting cross :smiley: . it wont do you any good :astonished: , its good to talk :laughing:

No point getting cross :smiley: . it wont do you any good :astonished: , its good to talk :laughing:

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

MONTANA MAN ASKED FOR INFO ,i gave it google or otherwise, and he has got all upset . WOO HOO ring any bells.
The fact is nobody likes hearing the truth, and that is out of every 100 family"s that go to Canada 50% return to the UK, £Kpounds out of pocket for there troubles ,after being told this ,and that.
Don"t get hood winked, the grass is not greener , and neither is the life style :laughing:

Actually, it is greener, brighter and far more relaxing. I got home tonight and cut some of my grass to save a little time tomorrow. It is, in fact, very green at the moment but with the 5 day forecast saying to expect the temperature to hit 37 degrees C over the next few days, I suspect it will dry out a little. Even so, it will not be mud brown like yours is over there, will it?
You see, steveo, people like MM and myself, Rocket and some others on here, have made the move and found it very much to our liking. We have the stamina and the strength of family to make a life change and not to regret it at all. We don’t all listen to those who bleat that the job wasn’t this or that, or that the country was crap. They bleat because it wasn’t a cushy number like they thought. They bleat because they are dumb enough to think that the $250000 they have in pocket will last forever but find that it won’t.
They blame it on the firms, the country, the people etc., but never accept that they were entirely to blame because they are lifes victims and that is all.

I refuse to get into a slanging match with you. I suspect, however, that you like googling for other stuff because the free ■■■■ isn’t actually free. If you believe what you read on those pages then you will always allow yourself to be misled and that is entirely your own fault.

Also, the reason the US won’t allow so many in is because of 9-11. In a sense it is understandable, but it was a kneejerk reaction and caused more trouble than you realise.

The pardons will get you access to the US under some circumstances but they cost money and you are still in for grief at the border. Just having a Morrocco stamp in your passport can get you searched!

You don’t know what you are talking about. You are deliberately trying to mislead and hoodwink those who may be thinking of coming here. If you put the ones who think the streets are paved with gold off then that is fine and well, but those who are prepared to really go for it should be encouraged by your posts as they are a good indicator of what they would be leaving behind them.

MM, the Timmys of your choice, my man, and I’ll even spring for a double choc doughnut! :wink:

montana man:
PERHAPS after such a monumentally pointless waste of everybodies time. Not to mention the deliberate and malicious misleading of people with a genuine interest in Canada the MODS would respond a little more timely and appropriately next time :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp:

They did MM. And all was quiet for 3 days, then you jumped in and stirred him up again. You’re as bad as each other with the insults. If you didn’t wind him up like a clockwork toy he would shut up.
What with you pouring fuel on the flames and Pat Hasler getting precious

I just remembered why I left this forum all those years ago

Bye y’all see ya on the other one.

again, we can’t win, and only one bloke comes out of this with any credibility and that’s Bob, who refused to get into a slanging match with him.

If all did the same it would stop. If not, it will be stopped.

Just because the likes of ( MONTANA MAN / BOBTHEDOG & A FEW OTHERS DON"T LIKE WHAT THEY HEAR, why should i walk on egg shells just to keep them happy.
I have an opinion , and I will voice it OK :stuck_out_tongue:

They did MM. And all was quiet for 3 days, then you jumped in and stirred him up again. You’re as bad as each other with the insults. If you didn’t wind him up like a clockwork toy he would shut up.

So you say Spardo :unamused:

Lucy very appropriatley:
This is getting a bit borderline on the “turning into a pointless slanging match” front…can we keep it a bit less inflammatory and personal? Would hate to have to pull it, as there’s some good info in here amongst the macho crap.

and here in lies the point :unamused: There is good and acccurate information in this thread BUT there is a lot of rubbish intended to be inflammatory and misleading.All that was intended was to make it apparent to anyone reading this seeking truthful and accurate info on what could well be a major life change for them, be it for better or worse :unamused:

would you feel the correction of innaccuracy to be inflammatory :question:
Or are you happy to let it roll :question:
Somehow if this post was about living in France, Australia or any of the other places you have appropriate accurate knowledge of you would have interceded and corrected the information :smiley:

What with you pouring fuel on the flames and Pat Hasler getting precious

and so who is being inflammatory now then :open_mouth:

again, we can’t win, and only one bloke comes out of this with any credibility and that’s Bob, who refused to get into a slanging match with him.

Can’t win if you don’t try now can you :unamused:
Look above and Bob has indeed got back to a PC and pitched back in to contribute. SO is he now being inflammatory etc etc etc Has he now

jumped in and stirred him up again.

The quality and integrity of a forum surely depends on the accuracy of the information it provides. That being the case I would have thought you glad of the correcting of inaccuracy.Maybe I am wrong, maybe I am right but hey if your happy to be associated with such gross innacuracy and outright rubbish.

I have to admit that MM has the right idea here, and I may well be being a bit on the sparky side here.

We are all fully aware of the thread starters opinions. He is very good at stating them and they are worthless drivel not worth getting upset over. There were a couple of posts that would have got RobK thrown off the forum but you have let them pass by, David. I am thinking of the “chin” comment earlier in particular.

I certainly can’t see that Pat was being precious, either. I think that was an unnecessary comment. I can see his point.

As for the useful information, I remain unconvinced. Google is a great place to find things out, and to be steered in the right direction, but it is only as good as the searcher. The info posted from various links by steveo is incomplete and simply there to stir the pot.

MM pointed this out but is now being berated by the mods and this doesn’t make any sense. Thus far the thread starter has only had a mild slap and that doesn’t make any sense either.

Just because the likes of ( MONTANA MAN / BOBTHEDOG & A FEW OTHERS DON"T LIKE WHAT THEY HEAR, why should i walk on egg shells just to keep them happy.
I have an opinion , and I will voice it OK :stuck_out_tongue:

A valid question to begin with but more nonsense to finish up.

We are all aware of your opinions. I imagine you are one of the belligerent people who always annoy those around you because you are so frequently wrong. Are you a “flat earther” too?

You have all been asked nicely to keep it on topic and cut the insults this has not happend so therefore I have no choice but to lock this thread