Yeh Juddian,most motor auctions chop them of now.
But I had a good trainer who’s been driving these things a good 30 years,(so He says lol).Taught Me how to snake it through the lights and what have You.
I think what helps Me is Ive only ever driven the learner artic I passed in.I havent done Years on any other form of artic.So its all I’m going to know.
Enjoying so far but just hoping that peak never catches Me out.If so,bye bye bonus for that month…
Yeh Juddian,most motor auctions chop them of now.
But I had a good trainer who’s been driving these things a good 30 years,(so He says lol).Taught Me how to snake it through the lights and what have You.
I think what helps Me is Ive only ever driven the learner artic I passed in.I havent done Years on any other form of artic.So its all I’m going to know.
Enjoying so far but just hoping that peak never catches Me out.If so,bye bye bonus for that month…
Whether you’ve driven artics for 30 years or 30 minutes peak transporters take some getting used to and some never manage them, you sir have my respect.
Got the rope dangling from the NSR corner?..
3 axle trailer?, Transporter Engineering jobbie?, found them brilliant for both driving and loading, had a tandem stretched Hoyner conversion and some other combos best forgotten in years gone by, even had a single axled 7 car peaker with the axle right at the back…nightmare and bounced like buggery, you had to pull the cars down as tight as you could and they’d still walk.
Keep it up, you’ll never be out of work with driving skill like that.
By the way, if you have a TE 3 decker 9 car? did you know you can get 12 cars on it, clip in greedy bars needed for all three decks, surprising the combos you can get on and still get 12.
Don’t know if I’m doing this right Juddian but trying to put My 1st pic on. … 0VxjW.ejhh
Anyhow,if that didnt work,its a tri-axle transporter engineering trailer.
Its a duck-n-dive.put the 1st car on the peak,tilt it and drive the 2nd car partly underneath the one on the peak.but Ive not managed that yet because if I then get 10 on,its too close to the cab.the actros cab seems too high.So only ever pick 9 up.
Yeh,done the bit of strap dangling from the nearside peak,but whenever I needed it,it had allways blown over the greedy.So I binned it.The thing that takes most of My time up is getting My height down.When fully loaded its allways 16’ 16’1 16’2 and dare I say it 16’3…
Tidy looking motor that, yes i agree the Actros cab is too big for this lark, we usually had them under a cut down 3/4 series Scani or a cut down FL10.
Good trailer that, i used the van carrier version for a long time, same basically as yours but the peak was its own deck, the front of the top deck was then independantly hinged and could be raised or lowered.
Do you have a sliding 5th wheel?, doubt it but if so if you slid it forward (thereby pushing the unit further back under the peak) you might possibly get the peaked edge to come down in front of the screen where it should be and be able to use the peak flipped up, course you’ll lose some length in the middle deck this way, swings and roundabouts.
My 3 series Scanny sat about the same position as yours but as the cab was so low it wasn’t a problem.
Always going to awkward with such a big tractor though, but you seem to manage so ignore the above waffle… .
Excellent pic by the way.
Don’t know if I’m doing this right Juddian but trying to put My 1st pic on. … 0VxjW.ejhhAnyhow,if that didnt work,its a tri-axle transporter engineering trailer.
Its a duck-n-dive.put the 1st car on the peak,tilt it and drive the 2nd car partly underneath the one on the peak.but Ive not managed that yet because if I then get 10 on,its too close to the cab.the actros cab seems too high.So only ever pick 9 up.
Yeh,done the bit of strap dangling from the nearside peak,but whenever I needed it,it had allways blown over the greedy.So I binned it.The thing that takes most of My time up is getting My height down.When fully loaded its allways 16’ 16’1 16’2 and dare I say it 16’3…
driving with hi viz on ,driving for royal mail,not flashing anyone in…
I have stopped flashing anyone in (unless it’s a mate of mine). Drivers should be able to judge safely when they are clear, if they can’t they have no right to drive a truck.
But I am the poor rooky Who drives a 9 plus 10 car transporter with its overcab peak that sticks out 6 foot everytime I turn the unit.
Martin, there are many drivers with 30 years experience, and quite a few are on here, who will tell you how it should be done, laugh at your mistakes, offer no advice, take the ■■■■ about yet another newby who hasn’t got a clue etc - but give them the keys to your 9 car and just watch their trousers go brown.
I’ve done some car transporting with a 9 car peak and it’s a completely different kettle of fish to an ordinary artic. The road space you have to take, the road furniture you have to watch out for and a whole host of other stuff - newby or not, Martin, respect where it’s due.
And for Independant at Morley too . . .
its not a case of being able to judge… you are using 2 seconds of your obviously more useful time, sat there behind the wheel doing lots of other things with your hands, to raise that hand all the way up to the indicator stalk ( even less if you have both hands on the wheel ) and look ( which you should be doing anyway) and flash another driver in.
i suppose you would have to stop at a lay by and have some shredded wheat to build up the massive energy loss caused by flashing !!
people this is a perfect example of why drivers dont indicate anymore because its just too much effort to just do it, even for proffessional drivers. I flash all drivers in what bloody difference does it really make, if they dont take any notice i have,nt lost anything and the electric lighting on my truck does,nt cost me a penny
driving with hi viz on ,driving for royal mail,not flashing anyone in…
All of the above… and keeping you in the middle lane like a spare ■■■■ and teararsing off after you were good enough to let them out, nearly taking your front end off when overtaking rather than wait for a flash, looking at you like you know ■■■■ all about the job when pointing out that they may have done something wrongly, looking at you like you have just ■■■■■■ when you politely say “Alright mate”, and so on and so on.
I have to say I flash all HGVs in, anything towing a trailer and in some cases cars that look like they’re struggling.
I cant see why anyone wouldn’t, it’s safer for you and every one else.
can of full fat coke and radio 1 playing with elbow sticking out the window gives you away every time lol
Dan Punchard:
It’s way you try to reverse in to a space between 2 lorries on your blind side with many shunts when you could just drive straight in to another,no offence ment at you personally.
I been doing it long enough now that if it looks a bit moody, I just don’t bother. When you’re new, you think you Have to get it in wherever anyone tells you to else you’re not in the club. “Sorry mate not happening.”
Pat Hasler:
driving with hi viz on ,driving for royal mail,not flashing anyone in…I have stopped flashing anyone in (unless it’s a mate of mine). Drivers should be able to judge safely when they are clear, if they can’t they have no right to drive a truck.
The memory of blighty fades Pat. There’s so much traffic on the road over here you need to move over as soon as the chap is happy for you to particularly if you’re doing it at half a K difference. We can’t do 70 mph over here either.
Dan Punchard:
It’s way you try to reverse in to a space between 2 lorries on your blind side with many shunts when you could just drive straight in to another,no offence ment at you personally.
I been doing it long enough now that if it looks a bit moody, I just don’t bother. When you’re new, you think you Have to get it in wherever anyone tells you to else you’re not in the club. “Sorry mate not happening.”
I thought I was just me that went “If you want it there, you put it there, I’m not”
I don’t flash them in because most of the drivers have got the left hand indicator on before their unit is past mine. Most drivers today are already in before I have time to flash
A friendly flash goes back to the days of dirty 5’’ round mirrors on a badly vibrating stalk