Cameron Wants Lorry Ban In Burford

It would be nice if Witney wanted a Cameron ban…

'Lorries are wrecking Burford's historic bridge' | Oxford Mail
More bloody NIMBYS. Mr Cameron wont be getting my vote if this goes ahead.

Well, Mr Cameron shouldn’t be getting your vote whether it goes ahead or not… unless you fancy another five years of the same?

It isn’t just wealthy folk either, we had a chap who spent all his working life at our quarry and when he retired campaigned (unsucsessfully) to get the working hours cut down as it was noisy in his house. Another ex driver lived opposite a quarries transport garage, when he retired he made such a fuss about lorry movements that the firm bought his property and rehoused him to another village. He also complained about local hauliers using their Jake Brakes when he was in bed… :unamused:


When Nash Rocks owned the quarries near me, they bought every property that came on the market, to avoid grief over future planning and lorry movements. They employed a lot of local people in their day. The people that move into these area’s should realise this, before buying a property, and then objecting to the source of local peoples incomes.

Dave the Renegade:
When Nash Rocks owned the quarries near me, they bought every property that came on the market, to avoid grief over future planning and lorry movements. They employed a lot of local people in their day. The people that move into these area’s should realise this, before buying a property, and then objecting to the source of local peoples incomes.

These folk were both employed by the company for most of their lives though Dave, they were born and bred in their properties, but their mindsets changed as soon as they retired! :unamused: I used to be in a walking group and we were walking near the large Tarmac quarry at Cromford when a couple with us mentioned that they used to live in a house opposite it. They moved because when they bought the house (viewed on a Sunday of course!!) they hadn’t realised that the quarry was there (it is screened by trees) and got fed up with the noise and dust! They complained to Tarmac, guess where that got them? :slight_smile: Some strange folk around…



Dave the Renegade:
When Nash Rocks owned the quarries near me, they bought every property that came on the market, to avoid grief over future planning and lorry movements. They employed a lot of local people in their day. The people that move into these area’s should realise this, before buying a property, and then objecting to the source of local peoples incomes.

These folk were both employed by the company for most of their lives though Dave, they were born and bred in their properties, but their mindsets changed as soon as they retired! :unamused: I used to be in a walking group and we were walking near the large Tarmac quarry at Cromford when a couple with us mentioned that they used to live in a house opposite it. They moved because when they bought the house (viewed on a Sunday of course!!) they hadn’t realised that the quarry was there (it is screened by trees) and got fed up with the noise and dust! They complained to Tarmac, guess where that got them? :slight_smile: Some strange folk around…


I agree with you Pete, but there are local people around this area, who miss the quarries when they are closed over Christmas etc. But then again, its our only entertainment. :laughing:
Cheers Dave.

Harry Monk:

'Lorries are wrecking Burford's historic bridge' | Oxford Mail
More bloody NIMBYS. Mr Cameron wont be getting my vote if this goes ahead.

Well, Mr Cameron shouldn’t be getting your vote whether it goes ahead or not… unless you fancy another five years of the same?

TBH Harry I’ve done alright out them in the last 5 years. I’m earning more than back then, job more secure, house is worth more, the NHS have been fantastic with the Mrs etc. The local Tory councillors around here are hopeless when it comes to transport planning though. They allow loads of new houses but don’t demand cash for new roads, hence why lorries still drive through daft places like Burford and Woodstock.

Harry Monk:

'Lorries are wrecking Burford's historic bridge' | Oxford Mail
More bloody NIMBYS. Mr Cameron wont be getting my vote if this goes ahead.

Well, Mr Cameron shouldn’t be getting your vote whether it goes ahead or not… unless you fancy another five years of the same?

Agreed Harry, Cameron’s done a lot worse than wanting to put a weight limit on Burford.

“People can see dust falling down in their bedrooms as the HGVs shake the houses. Also the town’s dominant business is tourism and the tourists are often in fear of their lives crossing the road because of the trucks.” mend the road and use the crossing sorted

we have a resident at Streatham vale whos house backs onto homebase,he makes the lives of the staff there miserable,allways complaining about the lorries and takes pictures of lorry registrations but he will not take it out on the drivers,he took the registration of the truck delivering before me then walked into the store to have a moan,but never moans at the drivers,possibly knows what reply he will get

I have heard of a retired military officer, who is not happy lorries go through his narrow village.
He stands in the side of the road with a hairdryer, pretending it is a speed radar.

mend the road and use the crossing sorted

Thats a sensible idea. Therefor it has no chance of being executed by the powers that be or any pedestrians. Why let common sense get in the way of a good headline! :smiley: