Calling all bus drivers

In my opinion this goes back to the days when the buses were state owned (national bus company) and refers to what used to be highway code rule 55 (not sure what the current rule number is, rule 109■■)

I don’t think National Bus Co. was state owned was it? Tell me, I’m interested.

I have spent many a time waiting for someone to let me out of bus stops on busy roads but as the buses are privatly owned now, I believe they have no more rights than any other road user.

And what makes you think that state owned vehicles have more rights on the road?

having said that, I will on busy routes put my indicator on, count 3 cars (unless someone flashes me out) then pull out!!!

And if you hit someone you will be at fault, nationalised or not.

Why cant they fit the whole bus in to the bus stop?, is this just a pathetic way of leaving the arse end sticking out so they can get back out?.

Annoys me too Jammy. My late brother was a bus driver and he said the company insisted that passengers shouldn’t have to walk to the bus, he must park the doors next to where they are standing, whatever inconvenience to other road users. We had many arguements over this and other aspects of the job in spite of the fact that he had previously been a lorry driver, national and international, over many years.
BTW a tad unfortunate that you made this criticism next to a picture of a bus correctly parked :open_mouth: , left you wide open :wink: :laughing: .

Salut, David.

I’ve got no problem with van, taxi or bus drivers.

I’ve got a huge problem with one “Citycare” (ex-Norwich City Council) dust cart driver…who decided to reverse 50 yards down the road and around a corner at full pelt (as far as reverse goes) without warning as I was approaching him and preparing to overtake.

I was dumbfounded at the complete stupidity of it, I couldn’t believe he decided to reverse a lorry directly towards another lorry. :open_mouth:

One of the problems with bus stops is that they are so positioned for rear loading buses as in days of yore.
Spardo, i think National Bus Company was the equivalent of BRS.
Margaret Thatcher dismantled this in about 1981.Services rapidly declined and the mad rush for a quick buck took over and it became, well, no longer a service.

My late Brother in law was a bus driver in winter on Blackburn Corporation and a real driver for the rest of the year, he always came off distance and just ran round the houses with a clippie to keep him warm. I find the main problem today is all de bendi ones in London with all de bendi drivers not giving a monkies about de rest of us. :wink:

I don’t think National Bus Co. was state owned was it? Tell me, I’m interested.

You will find a brief history here,Spardo

03 you cant tar all bus drivers with the same brush :wink:
ive always found them very courtious with the odd exception
i wouldnt fancy their job driving round city centres all day
sometimes with 50+screaming kids behind you :open_mouth: :open_mouth:
no thanks not suprised they forget to indicate now and then