
And further to that oxfam have the brass neck to even ask for £3.00 donations for Syrian refugees "text water"Migrant crisis: UK pledges extra £100m aid for Syrians - BBC News from the bias left wing bs ters so probably a lot more in reality Do they really think we are that [zb] dumb the cheeky fockers this boils my ■■■■ oxfam F…off!!!
who says i am pro terrorist■■?

i may be anti terrorist yes… along with anti racism

and hate bigots and xenophobes

but i reckon most of Calais migrants are “economic migrants” looking for a way to make a better like for themselves as muckles says…
what planet are you on■■? 99% are young males …read between the lines…freeloading vermin…nothing more.theres big business in shipping them up to calais…open your eyes and take of the ( poor illegals specs) they don’t call it the jungle for nothing:roll:

of course they ain’t refugees and they should never be allowed in to the uk , We cannot afford terrorists /economic spongers, the pot is empty for our own, so it has to be also empty for them, give them any preference/priority and you have the makings/incitement of an all out civil war, they should be focked off from calais, Infact if i won or had millions of £££ 's i would employ armed security staff, to help keep those( French citizens) in calais safe in their homes from the animals in the jungle, which is more than the French police have been doing


send them away,the majority of the uk do not want them

BNP■■? EDL?? UKIP■■? :unamused: :unamused: :unamused:

LabLibDimtard ? Socialist Worker ? Con ?

FN will do fine being that it’s French juristiction.

Bluey Circles:
Serious question, how would you describe the demographics of the camp, ie. male / female / age etc ■■ I know what the media show but wondering what the truth is ?

Obviously any suggestion that they are mostly young fit males who could be anything from Jihadists,to Deserters in the fight against ISIS,to economic migrants/immigrants,to criminals won’t be acceptable to the pro immigration agenda.

and some aren’t from Syria or other country where there is a war raging they aren’t fleeing anything , except poverty, Making them richer isn’t the burden of the British people, if they what to even be considered to be able to come here and work, then they should go through the normal channels, and if they get a kb, then accept it, not try and sneak into the uk on the back of a lorry

So after these animals in the jungle set fire to their tents ect There’s still Stupid Brits wanting to help them, The authorities should prevent them , As it only encourages more of them, can these these thick lilly livered clowns not see what they are doing, and that there is a real possibility that they maybe helping terrorists who are playing the gullible fools, ? Now i would support a group going over there to disperse them

. Wrong quote lol .

i reckon most of Calais migrants are “economic migrants” looking for a way to make a better like for themselves as muckles says…

And as such they have no right or claim to come here, and why should we open the door to them, I bet there is a minority with genuine ID that is checkable they could be wanted criminals back in their own countries The french need to sort the problem out and move them bulldoze their illegal camps and keep on doing that until they want to go back home, and should some of them attack the police with weapons,then the police should kick their assess properly, They are parasites and order needs restoring in calais, it could even be in our interests of national security


Bluey Circles:

It’s a few weeks since I’ve come back through Calais, it wasn’t to bad that time despite regular attempts by the migrants to storm the tunnel. However with the extra security and winter coming I imagine they’re getting desperate, so nothing they try will surprise me. However I think the French athorities have little interest in getting rid of the camp, it’s to far away from Paris and Calais has very little influence in the corridors of power. To emphersize the point, I did read in a French online paper that they broke up a camp in Paris a couple of months ago, it held about 1200 people, but they seem to do nothing to break up a camp of 6000 people. Maybe recent events will change things?

As for those misguided individuals who send supplies to the “poor refugees”, what they Don’t seem to understand is that they’re not refugees, they don’t have to stay in a smelly cold camp they are in a safe country they can claim asylum.

Serious question, how would you describe the demographics of the camp, ie. male / female / age etc ■■ I know what the media show but wondering what the truth is ?

Well having never been to camps I can’t answer for sure, but when I’ve been unfortunate enough to be queued up in Calais, the majority seem to be young men, mostly under 30 years old and a few that look really young, 14 15 year olds. Then there are a few older men and a few young women. I’ve have never seen any group that looks like a family unit.
The other thing is very few seem to look like they’re from the Middle East, mostly I’d guess they were African.
If I think it’s safe I have wound my window down and spoken to a few of them, just because I’m curious as to why they have decided to go to Calais and are trying to get into the UK. Basically they believe they are going to get rich in the UK, and they aren’t really interested in claiming asylum, they’ve been sold a dream of great riches working in the UK, I think our problem isn’t so much the benefits system, but the fact we have a black economy where you can disappear into and not get traced and if you are caught the process for deporting seems to be long winded and as they are rarely held in custody they can disappear into the black economy again.

And far from the image the likes of the BBC would have you believe, I’m sure they not all nice people who are escaping tyranny and are really qualified doctors and dentists who be an asset to our country if we only let them in.

Thanks for your answer.
I have a relation in southern germany, and they were in a railway station and on the other platform a train pulled in and apparently it looked like football crowd got off, they were thinking is there a big game on tonight, anyway, it turned out it was migrants, as you say in your example its 95% young males, they were all laughing and shouting and clearly enjoying themselves … but not even remotely what they would have expected from a train full of migrants.

I don’t blame them, in their shoes I would be doing the same myself, it is a pretty crap situation what they are wanting to get away from. They are lied to by the people smugglers who show them pictures of previous migrants posing with pretty women and flash cars, they think they have just got to get here and it will be all on a plate, sad really.

Maybe we should be doing more to help the countries they first step foot in, I don’t think there is room for anyone else in our stupidly overcrowded little island.

according to a labour MP 600 jihadists are already back in the uk after fighting with IS,how the hell did they get back in,this government are endangering all our lives,at the very least they[jihadists] should have been arrested and their passports revoked,unbelievable,not really a truck thing but any one of us hgv drivers could be in London if these scum decide to commit an atrocity

I wonder how they know this for a fact, if correct then they must know who they are so why have they not all been rounded up or arrested on arrival and interned somewhere ? Like on the Goodwin Sands at low water time :smiling_imp:

I wonder how they know this for a fact, if correct then they must know who they are so why have they not all been rounded up or arrested on arrival and interned somewhere ?

Ironically both the 7/7 and the recent Paris attacks seemed to involve people known to the security services for suspicious activeties.The fact is the whole situation contains too many inconvenient implications and embarrassing failures regarding border security,immigration policies and/or definition of nationality based on place of birth.In which case the government seems to prefer to turn a blind eye unless their hand is forced as in the case of Hamza or Emwazi etc.

Dogs have a Negative Effect on Moslems Religious belief.

Dogs have a Negative Effect on Moslems Religious belief

Moslem also cant look at naked Woman … 037AA7F73Q

Now use that for You :slight_smile:

Dogs have a Negative Effect on Moslems Religious belief.

Dogs have a Negative Effect on Moslems Religious belief

Moslem also cant look at naked Woman … 037AA7F73Q

Now use that for You :slight_smile:

No idea what you are on tonight but whatever it is … it’s working :laughing:


Dogs have a Negative Effect on Moslems Religious belief.

Dogs have a Negative Effect on Moslems Religious belief

Moslem also cant look at naked Woman … 037AA7F73Q

Now use that for You :slight_smile:

No idea what you are on tonight but whatever it is … it’s working :laughing:

Dogs? It could be all to do with the following tweet from SKY TVs news anchor Kay Burley

and i just loved this reply … 9454675968