What’s the basis for letting all such stuff go though?
Already been brought in? “I’m alright jack?” - or just wanting to take a counter position for the point of derision only? Well that’s no news there.
“You have enemies? - Good. That means you’ve stood up for something in your life.”
The proper way to be anti-establishment is to bring the old order down. You worry about the new order later - and you don’t go on some kind of power grab “just because you can”.
The old order is already flaccid, and unable to act over the right things. So now we worry about what’s going to replace it. I don’t want it being Momentum that’s all. That they can get into bed with a bunch of terrorists rather than back up the sort of people living in their own neighborhood - beggars belief. Bring down the old order it will though. It’s almost as if the Right don’t ever want power again, because it’s too much like hard work wielding it properly!
“The Party seeks power entirely for its own sake. We are not interested in the good of others; we are interested solely in power. Not wealth or luxury or long life or happiness: only power, pure power. What pure power means you will understand presently. We are different from all the oligarchies of the past, in that we know what we are doing. All the others, even those who resembled ourselves, were- cowards and hypocrites. The German Nazis and the Russian Communists came very close to us in their methods, but they never had the courage to recognize their own motives. They pretended, perhaps they even believed, that they had seized power unwillingly and for a limited time, and that just round the corner there lay a paradise where human beings would be free and equal. We are not like that. We know that no one ever seizes power with the intention of relinquishing it. Power is not a means, it is an end. One does not establish a dictatorship in order to safeguard a revolution; one makes the revolution in order to establish the dictatorship. The object of persecution is persecution. The object of torture is torture. The object of power is power. Now do you begin to understand me?”
1984 G.Orwell
Rather than just make argument that “I’m a Leftist, and disagree with everything you say” or “Here’s my counter-argument” to properly kick a ball about, - it’s all far too easy to just treat the arguments of yours truly with derision. Don’t come up with any of your own. There’s no need. Just play the “What about” game. This game allows anyone of out-of-power but of apparently climbing politik to find every fault, every mistake, every slight bump on the road of those in power but losing it - to be about something it’s not. Deflection rather than lies.
“See that Islamy bloke over there beating that veiled female/stabbing that bystander/walking into that shop with his suicide vest?”
His religion gives him the right to beat up his wife if he wants. That stab victim had it coming because he insulted the Prophet. That shop is probably owned by someone wealthy who doesn’t support our cause. Do nothing to stop this, and let us get on with it. Always push down the perceived Victim - rather than the Criminal.
It’s the “Do Nothing” that is the most damaging thing for the mass of flaccid opponents to all this regime change in our midst to do of course.
The glaring clue as to where this future will take us is how the Left constantly deflects the Right’s seeming Derision upon EE’s rather than those actually doing us the harm.
The motivation is simple: The EE’s are primarily White and Orthodox Christian/Catholic Christian rather than Islamic/Atheist. They are the sort of people the Left cannot get into bed with, but need to attack “indirectly” then. They do it via deflection for our political Right. Make “Immigration” about EEs. Big-up any crimes perpetuated by EEs. but suppress Islamist crimes as much as possible. The Left do not want to let the EEs form some kind of Alliance with the White British non-Muslim/non-Left/Non-Atheist - since it is the only combined power that can defeat the new age resurgent Left as described by the fictional character O’Brien, and penned as prophecy by George Orwell.
Even “Prophecy” gets hijacked though. It’s already OK to consider killing innocents “who insult the prophet” as if there was only ever one. Meanwhile, no one is looking or listening to the other prophets that abound, and that’s how it has been throughout history of course. Trying to see the future has always been an empty vessel for them, but then - they didn’t ask for that vision.
Getting the money back from the EU was the first reason I supported Brexit. “Taking back Control” the second.
“Controlling Immigration” - way down the list. At least in the form that I’m interested in which is letting in the “Good 'uns” and encouraging the Bad’uns already here to go, whilst preventing more of them from coming. There’s no way we’re going to have a system in this country that involves mass deportations. It’s impractical and ineffective - simply because it would be the Good’uns that take flight when we want to keep them - whilst the Bad’uns protest on the streets because they’ve got all that idle time to do thus.
Calais. The French fan them through to us because they don’t want them. The local taxpaying population are strong supporters of Le Pen - but the rest of the country are not, so she wins no power to put a stop to this. We constantly get told “They will be sent here” as if we’re unwilling to put a stop to it. People have already died, and more deaths are set to follow.
The Islamic Attack Campaign is currently on the back burner whilst Labour are seen to be climbing in the polls (not evident until the recent General Election’s Exit Polls…) Notice that there’s been no Islamist outrage since. They wouldn’t want to be rocking the proverbial boat of their ally’s chances to gain power legitimately now - would they?
Watch for a return of the attacks - once the polls show Labour to be sliding back again…
The Left have their unholy alliance. Now the Right needs to ally-up with the Eastern Europeans - before it’s too late.