c1 or c?

Total driving offers an assessment drive for 4 hours 160£.

At least shop around a bit mate! Click here (same link as via ROG’s signature) LGV TRAINING TIPS [Reworked 01/02/2022] (Read only) - #5 by rog - NEW AND WANNABE DRIVERS (INTERACTIVE) - Trucknet UK
Phone ALL the schools in your area and find out how they work.
Many do assessments for no charge at all. Some take a fee. Some refund this if you book with them.

Also, all assessments are not equal. Some start off road for 15-20 minutes to give you confidence then move onto roads. Some simply start in very quiet areas. Some include a crack at reversing.
(BTW do NOT worry about reversing, after a weeks training almost all people say the reversing is the easy bit of the test.)

The most important thing is your gut reaction to the vehicles, instructor(s), and general impression of the outfit. Do they feel fly-by-night with trucks on their last legs that add unnecessary challenges, or do they feel professional and competent with trucks that are in good condition and easy to drive. (They don’t have to be brand new, but they have to feel like they are looked after). Could you spend a week with the instructor, do you feel he understands your learning style. etc. etc.

4 hours would be about the same amount of time you would spent driving on day 1 of training. If you go for that one then you should definitely have an idea what you are letting yourself in for.

All the best. Tim

Total driving only does 4hr assessments on c1 category, not c.

East coast driver does a 2 hr assessment for 70 odd quid which tbh sound quite alright.

Two more companies to phone up


Sounds a bit simplistic, but if you do ’ C ', you have another string to your bow if you decide to change career at any point.

Totally agree and they should be offering them out free of charge the tight ■■■■■■■ :stuck_out_tongue:

No point in doing C1 whatsoever. C.

Depends what you feel confident driving, but tests are basically the same :slight_smile: