Bulgarian Registered Trucks


Stanley Mitchell:

and not only western hauliers, but the turks, macedonians etc are flagging out to bulgaria, thanks to their membership of the EU. based on what the drivers say and what you can research on the internet, it’s a total economic boom when it comes to the transportation industry, after the border came down.

being far away from Sofia I am not one to complain myself - just paid for adding tanks and explosives to my ADR ticket, a grand total of €131 :astonished:

Turkey isn’t an EU state, or it wasn’t the last time I looked :open_mouth:

Its not a basket case, it can`t be wanting to be a member of the League of Corruption surely ?

Reread the quote from Milodon again as you’ve misunderstood it completely… :wink:

Thanks to Bulgaria for it’s EU membership…

Fair comment, bang to rights…


Stanley Mitchell:
Its not a basket case, it can`t be wanting to be a member of the League of Corruption surely ?

au contraire, the preliminary talks have been underway for years. it is a very favourable position to be among the poorest members of the EU, as you are effectively the cheapest provider of workforce, services and products in a vast open marketplace. all at the expense of the richer part of the spectrum of course, c’est la vie.

That`s one hell of a chat, if its been going on for years :open_mouth:

It won`t happen, they are lurching to the east thanks to their leader and his sucking up to the Daesh…

As one very major high street player said to me not so long ago, “we cannot afford the Turks to be in the EU, as its the last major source of cheap manufacturing, which is only a week away by road, anything further east requires air freight to get the goods to market, which is too expensive” :wink:

here’s the lowdown on turkey’s willingness to become a part of the big happy family:

here’s the lowdown on turkey’s willingness to become a part of the big happy family:

Accession of Turkey to the European Union - Wikipedia

They might want it, but, does Germany and France want them in ?

the same click who pushed throught the last two expansions will surely be all too happy for another source of cheap workforce and production to enter the market without boundaries. will nobby dentressangle be against cutting another third from their labout costs? or will IKEA consider not replacing their suppliers from Cluj Napoca to Gaziantep at a third less?

might go to Bulgaria for my dcpc (holiday).

All depend from Spedition companies.not transport company running and decide.