Budget 2012...

We had one is was called the election!

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we did ,and we end up being shafted , because that’s what their ilk does shaft the working classes , mainstream political parties are all the same, About time there was a real change
from any of the main 3, who have done nothing but prove they are only in it for themselves


tommy t:
Then there is the knock on effect of the rise in fuel duty the transport costs go up yet again, so results in everything we buy from the shop going up , which affects everyone not to mention fast food takeaways from supermarkets are going to be subject to VAT too,

Prices wont go up, Wages WILL go further down, caus us drivers have no standing power to ensure we keep a decent wage

tommy t:
We should demand a referendum for change of government ,

There is a petition for that already http://epetitions.direct.gov.uk/petitions/356

‘Democracy’ as we get it is just a choice of dictatorship every 5 years with no right of veto by the electorate over all of the decisions taken or the ability to be able to vote out a government before the election ‘term’.

tommy t:
We should demand a referendum for change of government ,

tommy t:
we did ,and we end up being shafted , because that’s what their ilk does shaft the working classes , mainstream political parties are all the same, About time there was a real change
from any of the main 3, who have done nothing but prove they are only in it for themselves

you sort of answered your own post there

it wouldn’t have mattered which government came in at the last election, the country would still be in the same mess, if not worse


tommy t:
We should demand a referendum for change of government ,

tommy t:
we did ,and we end up being shafted , because that’s what their ilk does shaft the working classes , mainstream political parties are all the same, About time there was a real change
from any of the main 3, who have done nothing but prove they are only in it for themselves

you sort of answered your own post there

it wouldn’t have mattered which government came in at the last election, the country would still be in the same mess, if not worse

The country would still have been in the same mess but it should be those who caused the mess like zb bankers and the equally greedy,useless,overpaid zb’s in the government like MP’s who have to help clear it up by paying for it with a 95% income tax rate on high earners like them for example.Instead of those on minimum wage having to pay the same rate as them in indirect taxation like VAT and road fuel duty and having to work until they drop dead on the job. :imp:

Good to see ■■■■ going up again. It’s the right thing to do and hopefully one day only the super rich will be able to smoke.

So when this happens the lost revenue will then be placed on other things such as clothes, fuel, food and so on.

I don’t smoke, but when smoking goes underground we will all pay for it … :blush:

■■■■■■ off to a better run country is the answer but of course when your poor that’s hard to do

See ya!