Broken ribs.

I’m one year older than you but about 15 years ago broke 6 and was back working on light duties after 4 weeks.


Harry Monk:

Is it worth / are you putting someone else in your truck while you’re off?

I’m not sure. I might do, but at the moment it is insured “named driver only”. I’ll see how things develop in the week, if it looks like I’ll be off work for more than a fortnight then I might have to think about it.

It was just out of curiosity. I was wondering how your customer would react if you couldn’t work for 2 months.
I wouldn’t have thought the insurance co could charge much more as the vehicle won’t be spending additional time on the road and any driver has the same qualification as you. If you get insurance paying out at the same time it’s a win win situation.

They’re fine, they’ve told me to take as long off as I need, problem is I get bored sitting at home so I want to get back.

i did get a phone call from someone today who’d heard what happened and offered to drive for me if I needed it and if it looks like I’m going to be off for more than a fortnight then I’ll go down that route.

the main thing to help heal bones is not to smoke,i dont know if u do smoke harry but its the hardest thing in the world to do when u are sat about doing nothing ,trust me i know m8 :cry: :cry: :cry:

Broke 5 ribs a few years ago, put my hands behind me on the back of the truck jumped up popped the air cavity behind the sternum hurt like buggery hospital said take 3 weeks off.
As I was agency no pay for off sick went back next day full of codiene, no fun handballing kitchens and white goods wouldnt do it now tho.