British justice at its finest

I caught some people in the act of stealing something from me. I called the Police, who arrested them fifteen minutes later. I got paid by my insurance company and the thieves went to court.

I pay tax so that people can do this for me. Confronting them myself would have been working for nothing. I’m not a newbie that does buttons or peanuts, so I certainly wouldn’t work for free.

Should of got the bike of the little shiyate before chining his old man then it would have been a win, win…

I actually tried doing what other posters have suggested ,being civil and all that ,got laughed at so continuing to be civil i went to see the father to be civil to him ,got laughed at again ,i think the his words where “what am i supposed to do” ,like i said before when talking to monkeys…

As for the bloke who had his diesel nicked what do these posters think would happen if the bloke went and nicked his diesel back or reported to the police ,most likely a revenge attack on his vehicles

People need to start living as a community again. Talk to neighbours about things. Pass information on to the Police. After all if they don’t know something they cant act on it.
It may be that these diesel thieves had been seen out and about acting suspiciously before but nobody had bothered to report it. They could have been lifted before this even happened but people are too happy living in their own bubbles with their ‘Not my problem’ attitude.

I have had recent direct experience of people having information that led to conviction of people committing thefts from cars. They didn’t tell the Police until they came knocking on their door as part of a community action event raising awareness of the break ins.

If they had been arsed at least half a dozen thefts could have been prevented, no-one would have had bones broken, and a ‘victim’ wouldn’t be up in court for ABH!

So they steal from him and he gives one a pasting, how is that over reacting? Ffs the police wouldn’t of done ■■■■ all if bed rang them and they caught them red handed the police in this country is a joke!
What I find hilarious is these scum bags must of rang the filth to complain of assault and admit at the same time they’d nicked his disel because they knew he’d get in more trouble then they would. What a ■■■■■■■ sad state this country is when the criminal becomes the victim. And this isn’t isolated either been plenty of story’s similar over recent years.

So they steal from him and he gives one a pasting, how is that over reacting? Ffs the police wouldn’t of done [zb] all if bed rang them and they caught them red handed the police in this country is a joke!
What I find hilarious is these scum bags must of rang the filth to complain of assault and admit at the same time they’d nicked his disel because they knew he’d get in more trouble then they would. What a [zb] sad state this country is when the criminal becomes the victim. And this isn’t isolated either been plenty of story’s similar over recent years.

That’s because there is quite a big difference between reasonable force to defend yourself/property and beating the ■■■■ out of someone who is running away.

Isn’t it time we dragged the ‘monkeys’ up to our level rather than sinking to theirs. Another analogy…you can’t clean dirt up with dirt. It just leaves more dirt!

The only monkey who needs dragging up in this thread is you. You’re an embarrassment to civilisation.


Isn’t it time we dragged the ‘monkeys’ up to our level rather than sinking to theirs. Another analogy…you can’t clean dirt up with dirt. It just leaves more dirt!

The only monkey who needs dragging up in this thread is you. You’re an embarrassment to civilisation.

Oh bravo for that contribution. Can you scratch your own arse as well??


So they steal from him and he gives one a pasting, how is that over reacting? Ffs the police wouldn’t of done [zb] all if bed rang them and they caught them red handed the police in this country is a joke!
What I find hilarious is these scum bags must of rang the filth to complain of assault and admit at the same time they’d nicked his disel because they knew he’d get in more trouble then they would. What a [zb] sad state this country is when the criminal becomes the victim. And this isn’t isolated either been plenty of story’s similar over recent years.

That’s because there is quite a big difference between reasonable force to defend yourself/property and beating the [zb] out of someone who is running away.

And if he’s big enough to take the risk he should be big enough to take the consequences. I’d do exactly the same if someone ran off with my property. Then they’d think twice next time, thieving scum deserve all they get.

People need to start living as a community again. Talk to neighbours about things. Pass information on to the Police. After all if they don’t know something they cant act on it.
It may be that these diesel thieves had been seen out and about acting suspiciously before but nobody had bothered to report it. They could have been lifted before this even happened but people are too happy living in their own bubbles with their ‘Not my problem’ attitude.

I have had recent direct experience of people having information that led to conviction of people committing thefts from cars. They didn’t tell the Police until they came knocking on their door as part of a community action event raising awareness of the break ins.

If they had been arsed at least half a dozen thefts could have been prevented, no-one would have had bones broken, and a ‘victim’ wouldn’t be up in court for ABH!

Nice idea but unfortunately the current ‘Dignified Human Race’ is one of the most selfish in history…

I wish I inhabited the Dreamland that one or two posters on this thread do…if someone challenges a criminal these days they are likely to get the ■■■■ kicked out of them…and that is a big part of why they don’t!

The point is…

Don’t do anything criminal and the person you’re stealing off won’t be able to bash you…or not as the case may be!



So they steal from him and he gives one a pasting, how is that over reacting? Ffs the police wouldn’t of done [zb] all if bed rang them and they caught them red handed the police in this country is a joke!
What I find hilarious is these scum bags must of rang the filth to complain of assault and admit at the same time they’d nicked his disel because they knew he’d get in more trouble then they would. What a [zb] sad state this country is when the criminal becomes the victim. And this isn’t isolated either been plenty of story’s similar over recent years.

That’s because there is quite a big difference between reasonable force to defend yourself/property and beating the [zb] out of someone who is running away.

And if he’s big enough to take the risk he should be big enough to take the consequences. I’d do exactly the same if someone ran off with my property. Then they’d think twice next time, thieving scum deserve all they get.

Wouldn’t it be sufficient to just take your property back from him? Surely that’s the aim? Anything else is ■■■■■■.


People need to start living as a community again. Talk to neighbours about things. Pass information on to the Police. After all if they don’t know something they cant act on it.
It may be that these diesel thieves had been seen out and about acting suspiciously before but nobody had bothered to report it. They could have been lifted before this even happened but people are too happy living in their own bubbles with their ‘Not my problem’ attitude.

I have had recent direct experience of people having information that led to conviction of people committing thefts from cars. They didn’t tell the Police until they came knocking on their door as part of a community action event raising awareness of the break ins.

If they had been arsed at least half a dozen thefts could have been prevented, no-one would have had bones broken, and a ‘victim’ wouldn’t be up in court for ABH!

Nice idea but unfortunately the current ‘Dignified Human Race’ is one of the most selfish in history…

I wish I inhabited the Dreamland that one or two posters on this thread do…if someone challenges a criminal these days they are likely to get the [zb] kicked out of them…and that is a big part of why they don’t!

The point is…

Don’t do anything criminal and the person you’re stealing off won’t be able to bash you…or not as the case may be!

Good summing up Truckulent

So they steal from him and he gives one a pasting, how is that over reacting? Ffs the police wouldn’t of done [zb] all if bed rang them and they caught them red handed the police in this country is a joke!
What I find hilarious is these scum bags must of rang the filth to complain of assault and admit at the same time they’d nicked his disel because they knew he’d get in more trouble then they would. What a [zb] sad state this country is when the criminal becomes the victim. And this isn’t isolated either been plenty of story’s similar over recent years.

What he said ^^

in my case it was blatant attempt to get some compen(which didn’t work) as i suspect the thieves will be getting in this case .Funny how the crims need the police and the law only when it suits them .


So they steal from him and he gives one a pasting, how is that over reacting? Ffs the police wouldn’t of done [zb] all if bed rang them and they caught them red handed the police in this country is a joke!
What I find hilarious is these scum bags must of rang the filth to complain of assault and admit at the same time they’d nicked his disel because they knew he’d get in more trouble then they would. What a [zb] sad state this country is when the criminal becomes the victim. And this isn’t isolated either been plenty of story’s similar over recent years.

That’s because there is quite a big difference between reasonable force to defend yourself/property and beating the [zb] out of someone who is running away.

what would you call reasonable? £75 fine seems poor to me
i think the victim should be commended for is actions, the criminal should loose all rights once they enter your property end of!



So they steal from him and he gives one a pasting, how is that over reacting? Ffs the police wouldn’t of done [zb] all if bed rang them and they caught them red handed the police in this country is a joke!
What I find hilarious is these scum bags must of rang the filth to complain of assault and admit at the same time they’d nicked his disel because they knew he’d get in more trouble then they would. What a [zb] sad state this country is when the criminal becomes the victim. And this isn’t isolated either been plenty of story’s similar over recent years.

That’s because there is quite a big difference between reasonable force to defend yourself/property and beating the [zb] out of someone who is running away.

what would you call reasonable? £75 fine seems poor to me
i think the victim should be commended for is actions, the criminal should loose all rights once they enter your property end of!

£75 clearly doesn’t sound reasonable to someone earning £500 per week but if your only earning £75 per week its quite a lot.
The courts have tariffs for deciding the level of a fine. It is based on a percentage of weekly or monthly income. If the thieves had been on £500 per week, the fine would have been considerably higher. People get too fixated on the actual number of pounds without considering the impact that level of fine might have on the convicted persons personal circumstances. I couldn’t care less if it hurts the criminal one iota but, if he has 3 kids to feed, clothe, house, keep warm, how will that impact on them? Kids should not be punished for the actions of criminal parents.

thats the thing how do you calculate what a persons income is if they are out on the rob taking other peoples belongings?
they came unstuck this time but how many times have they got away with it in the past?
having been a victim of this type in the recent past i can without doubt say the police are a waste of time!




So they steal from him and he gives one a pasting, how is that over reacting? Ffs the police wouldn’t of done [zb] all if bed rang them and they caught them red handed the police in this country is a joke!
What I find hilarious is these scum bags must of rang the filth to complain of assault and admit at the same time they’d nicked his disel because they knew he’d get in more trouble then they would. What a [zb] sad state this country is when the criminal becomes the victim. And this isn’t isolated either been plenty of story’s similar over recent years.

That’s because there is quite a big difference between reasonable force to defend yourself/property and beating the [zb] out of someone who is running away.

what would you call reasonable? £75 fine seems poor to me
i think the victim should be commended for is actions, the criminal should loose all rights once they enter your property end of!

£75 clearly doesn’t sound reasonable to someone earning £500 per week but if your only earning £75 per week its quite a lot.
The courts have tariffs for deciding the level of a fine. It is based on a percentage of weekly or monthly income. If the thieves had been on £500 per week, the fine would have been considerably higher. People get too fixated on the actual number of pounds without considering the impact that level of fine might have on the convicted persons personal circumstances. I couldn’t care less if it hurts the criminal one iota but, if he has 3 kids to feed, clothe, house, keep warm, how will that impact on them? Kids should not be punished for the actions of criminal parents.

So where does it stop? How many factors do you want to take into account before punishing them for the crime they have been convicted of? You could argue ad infinitum for and against a higher or lower level of punishment if you added enough non-sequiters (for that is what they ultimately are) and still as seems to have happened here - discount the impact on the victim.




So they steal from him and he gives one a pasting, how is that over reacting? Ffs the police wouldn’t of done [zb] all if bed rang them and they caught them red handed the police in this country is a joke!
What I find hilarious is these scum bags must of rang the filth to complain of assault and admit at the same time they’d nicked his disel because they knew he’d get in more trouble then they would. What a [zb] sad state this country is when the criminal becomes the victim. And this isn’t isolated either been plenty of story’s similar over recent years.

That’s because there is quite a big difference between reasonable force to defend yourself/property and beating the [zb] out of someone who is running away.

what would you call reasonable? £75 fine seems poor to me
i think the victim should be commended for is actions, the criminal should loose all rights once they enter your property end of!

£75 clearly doesn’t sound reasonable to someone earning £500 per week but if your only earning £75 per week its quite a lot.
The courts have tariffs for deciding the level of a fine. It is based on a percentage of weekly or monthly income. If the thieves had been on £500 per week, the fine would have been considerably higher.

And if you’re on the Rock n Roll, the irony is that the fine is being paid by the rest of us. And if you’re a thief, with a grand a week coming in from your ill gotten gains, none of which the court are aware of, you can’t believe your luck!

So the person who’s diesel is being nicked is quite possibly indirectly funding the fine that is imposed on the person that steals his diesel… :unamused:

And that is why people are starting to take the law into their own hands… :wink:

thats the thing how do you calculate what a persons income is if they are out on the rob taking other peoples belongings?
they came unstuck this time but how many times have they got away with it in the past?
having been a victim of this type in the recent past i can without doubt say the police are a waste of time!

and my experience is completely the opposite. It would be very interesting if you could quantify the proportion of times they got away with it as a direct result of peoples apathy.

People need to start living as a community again.

couldn’t agree more ,and back when i was lad the community would have dealt with it and all of a sudden the thefts would have stopped


thats the thing how do you calculate what a persons income is if they are out on the rob taking other peoples belongings?
they came unstuck this time but how many times have they got away with it in the past?
having been a victim of this type in the recent past i can without doubt say the police are a waste of time!

and my experience is completely the opposite. It would be very interesting if you could quantify the proportion of times they got away with it as a direct result of peoples apathy.

Instead ,ask how many times they threatened victims when confronted ,it’s not apathy at all, it’s fear and knowing the police will not or cannot do much unless it is an absolute slam dunk of case that only requires the briefest of head scratches from the CPS