Lorry in gear, brain in neutral. A very costly error for this “driver” and Stobarts
I don’t get it, I really don’t! Every time I approach a low bridge even if the sign says 15’ 11", I always double check my height marker in the cab (I check and change it with each trailer swap, although we normally run at 13’ 9" it would be just my luck if one was 2 inch higher) I also approach the bridge at a reduced speed (more so if its a tight fit with only 2 inch spare). If I was really that unsure I would get out and look. The cost and consequences of hitting a bridge must be HUGE.
Any driver this stupid or careless would be kicked off the road within months of them miraculously passing any test.
Which leads us to the question of whether it wasn’t as unintentional as we might think, perhaps he’s subconsciously looking for an excuse to not work for the green Satan anymore?
Well at least Stobart drivers are consistent.
Just goes to show all the training and all the driver assesments they can do mean absolutely jack.
Saves someone putting a driver wanted in the driver vacancies section I suppose.
for ■■■■ sake did he not here the deflector scrape the bridge that would have me out and looking in fact the sign over the ■■■■■■ arch would have me stopped and looking at a ■■■■■■■ map the dopey ■■■■ - should of known as well it would be a stobarts
I wonder how he got out of that mess… ? There’s a bloody steep hill leading down to that bridge. I cant see a Scania pushing it back up full loaded… I presume he was on his way to Heinz but missed the turn…?
I’ve just realised where that bridge is, I was once parked just the other side in a class 2 having a sandwich and a Lithuanian truck with a container on came the other way at speed and hit the bridge as he went under it! He didn’t stop but it made such a noise he must have noticed.
I told this tale to a mate of mine and he’d been going to Heinz which is back the way the wagon has come, took a wrong turn and realised he couldn’t get under the bridge but he couldn’t get any traction on the wet slope to reverse up the hill and had to be recovered. The recovery truck had one of those spikes that dig into the road to stop him sliding and it made a mess of the road.
I wonder how he got out of that mess… ? There’s a bloody steep hill leading down to that bridge. I cant see a Scania pushing it back up full loaded… I presume he was on his way to Heinz but missed the turn…?
Drop the air and let the air out of the tyres too?
Go on then… It has to be said…
I bet they don’t show this on trucks and tankers… Or whatever the other word is
Go on then… It has to be said…I bet they don’t show this on trucks and tankers… Or whatever the other word is
its trucks and merchant bankers not tankers
A BRIDGE TO FAR.!!! Eddie.