Brick and block work advice wanted

Don’t get the mortar too wet :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

i work for one of the big builders merchants and have always wanted to grab and smash an awkward customers car . my personal opinion is round my neck of the woods is that sites are no problem its private address’s and this is where the hassle comes… another thing about hiab work is the serious lack of agency lad’s that have a ticket and can’t use one and having seen video’s showing victims of crane accidents it’s quite scary!!

In 1987 I took a job hauling bricks from Mk to the west country on 11 hours job and finish. My first night I stood there sheeting carefully then went for the rope to find two very short bits :exclamation: :exclamation:
The rest of the guys who had been there years picked it up and threw it back in my rope locker “We don’t have time for that” one of them said, “Just follow us” we took off at an alarming rate of knotts reaching 70mph on back twisty roads and faster on the ‘M’ ways :exclamation:
One year of driving like that and I never saw a brick move from where it was placed on the trailer :exclamation:

The only incident I’ve heard of a brick/paving/block load moving had me in awe of the driver concerned. He’d taken a roundabout in an industrial estate in Essex a bit too sharpish and lost a pack of flags. The merchants he was going to were only a couple of hundred yards away so he continues on his way with a view to getting help from the forkie to go back and tidy it up. However, he passes a police car before he gets to the merchants. Then comes the sharpest bit of quick thinking I’ve ever heard. He pulls in the yard and stops next to their pile of flags, gets the crane going and lifts one off the stack and puts it on the trailer just in time for plod to enter the yard. They obviously accuse him of dropping the pack on the road but he denies it and offers them the delivery notes which show that he can account for everything on them. I would never, never have that sort of luck :slight_smile:

go down near dorket head brick yard near nottingham and theres always bricks on the side of the road or in the fields and i’ve seen plenty of marshals paving on the m18 roundabout near maltby, everythings safe til it falls off!

as we’re on the subject of accident’s did anyone see “trauma” the other night with matey boy trapped under his crane?