Boxing day rates!

Jeez I only put it in as a joke, not to start a whole new thread supporting one of Rob’s rants :rofl:

Blame the Great British public and the “I shop, therefore I am” mentality. My local Tesco’s Extra (the big stores) was open on New Year’s Day, which just made me feel sorry for the staff.

FFS, can’t people manage 24 hours without shops being open?

As for Bank Holiday remuneration, worst example I’ve seen first hand is people being told they have to work it, for no extra pay, and as a “reward” they can have a day off at a different time. But that’s the situation when people are doing unskilled manual labour for employers paying nothing but the national minimum wage.

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Yep…I know.
So you obviously misssed this bit then eh?

A rant?..
Nah if I rant I do much better than that.

I’d just had a conversation with somebody (in real life) about somebody so ruled by his Mrs that if he is down the road in a pub he daren’t tell her, so goes outside in the quiet if she rings.:roll_eyes:
I just went on to say I have met a few blokes like that,.and it was a bit pathetic.
Then you came out with the ‘must be obeyed’ crack at the same time.

It’s conversational tangents that what this forum is (or used to be) all about…
Btw I don’t NEED any ‘support’ thanks, just saying.
I’m quite capable of rubbing people up the wrong way all by myself.:wink:

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Both Tesco and Sainsbury’s were open near me, I don’t know about the other stores I didn’t look but I’m guessing they were open to.

But is it the shoppers fault or the stores, I would have been perfectly happy to wait a day but decided to nip into Sainsbury’s for a couple of things because they were open.

If stores open people will use them and why not.

i was shocked to see morisson petrol station next to me open on christmas day wasnt even sunday hours

Because the store will open so that people will use them, and for items that could have been bought the day before - it’s a vicious circle of exploitation and the losers in this game are the retail staff.

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Apart from retail, most places here are closed still. I need a fanbelt for my car, but because most retailers rely on two deliveries a day, for all but the most common and basic stock, I have to wait until Monday 6th January, when Australia is again open for business.

And then the management look at the sales figures for the day and think it went well,we’ll do it again next year - and on and on and on…

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Whooosh :joy:

Errr how exactly?
Do explain .

From my pov?..Nah not a woosh at all mate…read my explanation.
But if it makes ya feel better yeah ok it’s a woosh moment if you want last word.

Best just to let it go though eh? :wink:

Thought I had but… :upside_down_face:

Ya did ? :thinking:
Aye ok then.:yawning_face:

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Still haven’t got my £100 bonus for the 20 th dec , told 2 weeks after a pay roll / office saying what bonus :roll_eyes::roll_eyes:, the one you said you were paying 18th - 24 ( good job I screen shot it ) & them saying they’d pay it , yesterday I said where is it , we will investigate it , you investigated 2 weeks ago & agreed I was due It , we need to go through procededure