Box junction infringement London

When I was on the buses some of our drivers got fined for box junction. When Council got number of photos showing police cars doing the same, no one wasn’t fined after that.
I didn’t care at all. I am paid hourly. Stop the engine and sit for 10mins. Then hear passengers moaning about the Council who can’t deal with traffic in city. Might be it’s easier to turn blind eye on buses blocking junctions rather than listen citizen moans! :smiley:

Perhaps static camera evidence should be used more often to hand out 1% of annual salary fines to drivers on their damned mobiles at the wheel.
Chances are, if you get carved up at a junction, and left high & dry, it’s either a deliberate act from someone who thinks themselves superior to you, or an accidental oversight move caused by being engrossed in a phone conversation, and steering one-handed. :imp:

The 1% thing is to put the damned high-ups from breaking the law that normally feel that the fines are small change to them. :angry:
Fines are supposed to be a deterrent. Fit them to the actual size of one’s wad, and they might become so! :smiling_imp:

To us on £25k that amounts to a £250 fine, not too large, not too small. Let’s see a ten-million–a-year banker laugh off a fine you could buy a flash car with! :laughing:

And, of course you appealed?

No. Had better things to do with my time than spend a day travelling up to Newcastle. It would have cost me more than three times the amount in fuel and lost wages than the ticket was.