delivery windows. if my load is an hour late being loaded then it can affect my schedule. i might then hit 6 hours half way through a drop. what do i do? book POA while i wait for my load or ask the shop staff to wait half an hour between their ambient and frozen goods?
Tell them to wait 15 minutes instead.
company policy. RTD break is 35 minutes, driving break is 50 minutes unless its a RTD break which splits a driving break in which case its 35 + 35 minutes. they only take 45 minutes off so who am i to argue?
I never use POA.I am salaried, job and knock, so when my wheels are not moving, my mode is always on break or crossed hammers.POA is just another piece of beauracratic nonsence.
But one that allows you to stay below your 48hr average without having to explain to VOSA that the 10 times you were on break on your tacho you didn’t work once and were totally free to dispose of your time as you wished.
He’s talking about break, not rest, so the free to dispose of your time thing is irrelevant.
For someone whose main theme on here is knocking other people over their supposed lack of knowledge of the regulations, and suggesting they need a DCPC course every chance you get, your own shortcomings with regard to the regulations, especially the most basic points, is shocking. Pot, kettle.
I never use POA.I am salaried, job and knock, so when my wheels are not moving, my mode is always on break or crossed hammers.POA is just another piece of beauracratic nonsence.
But one that allows you to stay below your 48hr average without having to explain to VOSA that the 10 times you were on break on your tacho you didn’t work once and were totally free to dispose of your time as you wished.
I go to a pallet hub on night trunk, so the only working time i need to show is the ten minutes it takes to pull back the curtains.The rest of the night at the hub i can use the break mode, obviously this switches to drive when im edging forward in the queue.You never know when youre going to get pulled back into the shed to reload and then set off back to your own yard, so it makes sense to just put it on break whenever possible.If you start using poa during the night, you could get caught out with the six hour rule and then need a break on way back to yard.
For someone whose main theme on here is knocking other people over their supposed lack of knowledge of the regulations, and suggesting they need a DCPC course every chance you get, your own shortcomings with regard to the regulations, especially the most basic points, is shocking. Pot, kettle.
Don’t care. Unlike you I saw the light and haven’t been in a wagon for coming up to half a decade. At least I’m not illiterate. Correct punctuation isn’t your strong point is it? Mind you, sounding as dim as you do IRL it comes as no real surprise.
For someone whose main theme on here is knocking other people over their supposed lack of knowledge of the regulations, and suggesting they need a DCPC course every chance you get, your own shortcomings with regard to the regulations, especially the most basic points, is shocking. Pot, kettle.
Don’t care. Unlike you I saw the light and haven’t been in a wagon for coming up to half a decade. At least I’m not illiterate. Correct punctuation isn’t your strong point is it? Mind you, sounding as dim as you do IRL it comes as no real surprise.
Never claimed it was, however I know my lack of knowledge and don’t then have a pop at others over the same shortcomings. I’m also not in the industry these days, I’ve switched to something else far more fun.
I’ve been driving class1 21yrs now and know driver hours regs inside out got my operators cpc (ex od) but since wtd came in I’ve never booked a single min poa why? If you get delayed your intitled to book a break so why poa?the law does not state that you must record some poa,so am i missing something or is it a load of nonsense.can’t get my head around these people who bang on about POA!
If you’ll forgive me saying so, the bit I’ve highlighted in red totally contradicts the bit I’ve highlighted in blue.
For someone whose main theme on here is knocking other people over their supposed lack of knowledge of the regulations, and suggesting they need a DCPC course every chance you get, your own shortcomings with regard to the regulations, especially the most basic points, is shocking. Pot, kettle.
Don’t care. Unlike you I saw the light and haven’t been in a wagon for coming up to half a decade. At least I’m not illiterate. Correct punctuation isn’t your strong point is it? Mind you, sounding as dim as you do IRL it comes as no real surprise.
Never claimed it was, however I know my lack of knowledge and don’t then have a pop at others over the same shortcomings. I’m also not in the industry these days, I’ve switched to something else far more fun.
Folks, popcorn still available if needed. I just don’t have it on display anymore.
For someone whose main theme on here is knocking other people over their supposed lack of knowledge of the regulations, and suggesting they need a DCPC course every chance you get, your own shortcomings with regard to the regulations, especially the most basic points, is shocking. Pot, kettle.
Don’t care. Unlike you I saw the light and haven’t been in a wagon for coming up to half a decade. At least I’m not illiterate. Correct punctuation isn’t your strong point is it? Mind you, sounding as dim as you do IRL it comes as no real surprise.
Never claimed it was, however I know my lack of knowledge and don’t then have a pop at others over the same shortcomings. I’m also not in the industry these days, I’ve switched to something else far more fun.
Folks, popcorn still available if needed. I just don’t have it on display anymore.
POA doesn’t wipe the driving hours clean to start a new 4.5 hour drive, its just the way the unit displays this to you. For some reason they reset as mentioned in the examples shown above…#
Only breaks can reset your driving, 45 min in one go or 2 split, 15 min and then 30…