Block paving-the price-seriously-1,800,000!

How zb dear is block paving,there going to shut down one of the depots because they recon it’s going to cost 1,800,000 to re-do it :exclamation: :exclamation: :exclamation: ( somebody must be making a killing :unamused: ,)
Anyway surely if you lease the yard it’s up to the landlord to sort it,and surely it wouldn’t cost nigh on 2 million to concrete the bloody thing :unamused: :unamused: .
Who the zb he’ll came up with the bloody idea of block paving the bloody thing in the first place.

Hiya… give us a good idea how big this yard is dozy…it may be in the rental agreement that the user maintains the yard,
did you see the film clip on the M60 where the trailer tyres caught fire…£2.1 million in 20 mins…
10 fire engines and a road repair,


I was once told by a contractor who surfaces large areas, that block paving & Tarmac are roughly the same cost per m2, but block paving requires a lot less drainage & doesn’t suffer puddles as much.

Modern building regs require that paved surfaces are absorbent. You can get absorbent tarmac but I bet it’s more expensive. They would probably not be allowed to lay concrete.

I’m sure they would be allowed to lay concrete. Where large areas are laid and drainage might be a problem or a requirement the usually intersperse each ‘square’ laid out with a type of french drain affair which deals with any run off into a sewer drain. You see these across many yards, they look like a narrow grid type affair running the length of the road/floorway.

Half our yard is block. Mainly because you don’t need planning permission for it.

I’ll do it for £1,700,000 cash in hand! :grimacing:


I was once told by a contractor who surfaces large areas, that block paving & Tarmac are roughly the same cost per m2, but block paving requires a lot less drainage & doesn’t suffer puddles as much.

Modern building regs require that paved surfaces are absorbent. You can get absorbent tarmac but I bet it’s more expensive. They would probably not be allowed to lay concrete.

Think the word you are looking for is permeable :slight_smile:

On the zeebrugge - hull boat last night all the dock is block paved !

Felixstowe is some impressive amount of Block paving

I’ll do your yard in road planings for 200 grand lol

Felixstowe is some impressive amount of Block paving

So is Portsmouth dock.

What happened to the days of haulage yards looking like something that had been heavily bombed and a couple of old motors totting in a corner an alsation on a chain and a old caravan for an office.

What happened to the days of haulage yards looking like something that had been heavily bombed and a couple of old motors totting in a corner an alsation on a chain and a old caravan for an office.

Don’t forget the old oil drum burning rubbish.

Old tachos you mean lol

Just had a charming chap in a Transit van who had nearly run out of fuel buy a gallon from me for a shiny new £10 coin (mind you it seemed such a large container for only a gallon, but hey ho) anyway in his cute accent he offered to block pave my 20 foot drive for a very reasonable twenty eight thousand pounds. Sometimes I just seem to land on my feet!