Bit torrents

download the Tor Browser Bundle ( and browse till your hearts content without using [zb] proxies that havn’t been updated in months.

Edit: proxies not prozies

Tor is quite good :smiley:

I don’t do torrents but occasionally use Tor to download from file sharing sites, using Tor means that without paying I can have multiple simultaneous downloads from the same site :smiley: good for the latest US tv programs

Good god how do you have the patience to download at the speed of Tor!?

Old topic but just came across it, for downloads of films seeing as Virgin have cut of a lot of the main ones I use Torlock and isohunt.
For steaming or downloading of nearly any tv show made just type into google watchseries. I use this to download programs onto my ipad using AVdownloader app and films onto my laptop. find the comein site has a lot of pop ups and some of the popups carry a reported virus by malwarebytes

Try using…youtube on fire… a very good site for music/films and tv series

I use proxies… most sites are still available through a proxy server :wink: