Best HGV companies to work for?

I agree with Juddian. Go and ask yer mum for a cuddle.

Southern pansie.

Go and ask yer mum for a cuddle.

Got a shovel?
You’re digging!
I’ve got a bad back! :grimacing:

Feel bad now! Mines pushing up daisies too!!!

Feel bad now! Mines pushing up daisies too!!!

No worries pal, only a bellend would consider any malicious intent, along with those that will attempt to induce guilt. (ironic rolling eyes!)
It happens as it’s inevitiable, we get on with it.

Now where were we? :grimacing:

I think we were debating the best HGV companies to work for. Any company that has me on its books, must obviously be desirable.

I think we were debating the best HGV companies to work for. Any company that has me on its books, must obviously be desirable.

Did you say derisible? :smiley:

I think he meant dire and just added extra letters in lol!


Bad back my arse, get back to work you southern softie jessie…i’ll just point out at this point that us tuff truckie types have never thrown a sickie in all our working lives and aint gunna start now… :sunglasses: :grimacing:

No mate, it’s MY arse, I don’t give a rats about yours… And yeah, that’s where the pain is! :smiley:

What have I told you about putting stuff up there its not normal, and its not right, ive told you this repeatedly stop it !

Has anyone heard of/worked for Whites Recycling?

They have a few depots scattered about the country but the main operations and head office is very close to me. Im bearing it in mind when im eventually qualified for HGV work. May get lucky.