Belt up !!


…i was told by an irish company driver a while ago that he was exempt because the seat belt was actually fitted to the seat…so it depends on where the anchor points are as whether you will be nicked or not…

The time i was pulled by VOSA i was driving a DAF with the seat belt built into the seat,i wonder if thats why i didn’t get booked… :confused: :confused:

There are specific laws relating to anchorage points but are dependant on many factors ie date of first use etc. so this could be true.

it becamae law to wear them in trucks from 2001!

always in my car but never in my truck. i just dont see the point in wearing them in a truck. i know Surrey police are cracking down on it this month. educational approach at first then next month they are stepping it up to fines and prosecutions

it becamae law to wear them in trucks from 2001!

That’s when they were legally required to be fitted. Before that, if they had been fitted as an option they changed the law in 1993 to make wearing them a legal requirement (I think)

other way round mate. they had to be fitted from 93 but didnt have to be worn til 01. im not an anorak, the dates are in the latest magazine and thats where i remember reading this info :laughing:

other way round mate. they had to be fitted from 93 but didnt have to be worn til 01. im not an anorak, the dates are in the latest magazine and thats where i remember reading this info :laughing:

:laughing: Fair enough, Iooks like I’ve mis-read something :blush:

as soon as i typed it i had visions of posts appearing calling me a spotter or something so clarification was a necessity :laughing:
i dont know all the regs etc. if i did, i would have a long line of letters after my name. it would take years of study to get your head round every single piece of legislation that we are required to abide to :unamused:

I wear them in the car and truck now

Truck and Car, every time, it’s a ‘No Brainer’ and ‘It’s the law’.

I’d like to be really safe and get Hi Viz ones. :confused: :unamused: :blush: :laughing:

other way round mate. they had to be fitted from 93 but didnt have to be worn til 01. im not an anorak, the dates are in the latest magazine and thats where i remember reading this info :laughing:

Our X Reg (2000?) DAF 55 hasn’t got belts fitted. :confused:

I’d like to be really safe and get Hi Viz ones. :confused: :unamused: :blush: :laughing:

And when you pull it over, a little hard hat could come down over your head at the same time. :laughing:

it becamae law to wear them in trucks from 2001!

always in my car but never in my truck. i just dont see the point in wearing them in a truck.

What’s is the main cause of death for a truck driver in the event of a roll over? Being thrown from the seat and across the cab resulting in a broken neck, even at slow speed. That could be one point in wearing them.
Then there is the other one when as you go over your head goes out of the open window and acts like a cushion between the cab and the tarmac, within seconds your head looks like a water melon that has been hit with a baseball bat, that could be another point in favour of wearing one. :wink: :smiley: :smiley:

Not having a go scanny but I am surprised that you don’t wear one given that sop many of your posts on here are about the law, legislation and trying to keep on the right side of it from both you and your employers point of view.

I’d like to be really safe and get Hi Viz ones. :confused: :unamused: :blush: :laughing:

With the new Volvo’s you can spec bright red ones so it can be clearly seen you are wearing one. Unless you have a red shirt on of course. :wink: :smiley: :smiley: I understand that some companies that operate tankers, or other vehicles doing hazardous, are speccing bright coloured belts so on leaving a depot the security staff can check that the driver is wearing the belt.

Many a true thing was said in jest!



other way round mate. they had to be fitted from 93 but didnt have to be worn til 01. im not an anorak, the dates are in the latest magazine and thats where i remember reading this info :laughing:

Our X Reg (2000?) DAF 55 hasn’t got belts fitted. :confused:

So I was right? :laughing:

I think so, cos all our other motors are newer and have belts.

My firm would never have an optional item fitted…the 51 reg doesn’t have a back up alarm either.

I’m sure I read something a few months back about no one being exempt from wearing them. (When Fitted) :wink: There was a qualifying statement saying taxi drivers were exempt, but only for journeys under 100 meters or something. I’ll have to try and look it up.

With the new Volvo’s you can spec bright red ones so it can be clearly seen you are wearing one. Unless you have a red shirt on of course.

I wonder how long it will be before car manufacturers follow suit… :unamused: :unamused:


I’d like to be really safe and get Hi Viz ones. :confused: :unamused: :blush: :laughing:

With the new Volvo’s you can spec bright red ones so it can be clearly seen you are wearing one. Unless you have a red shirt on of course. :wink: :smiley: :smiley: I understand that some companies that operate tankers, or other vehicles doing hazardous, are speccing bright coloured belts so on leaving a depot the security staff can check that the driver is wearing the belt.

Walkers crisps at leicester… No seatbelt- written warning :open_mouth: :open_mouth:

Always wear one in the car but only if I feel like it in the truck. Being a bit short I find the belt cuts into my neck and gives me a nasty and painful rash so I only tend to put on the belt when management is having a crack down which isn’t that often.
When I drove taxi’s a few years back we were exempt then because the belt could be used as a weapon against the driver by being pulled up tight by the passenger sitting behind him as one of my mates found out one friday night, lost all his takings and got a good slapping as well. We was all on jobs in London the night they were found and it wasn’t the police who found them

SEATBELTS: I díslike/hate the system that is at present available,But being
based here in Germany where they love to investigate and produce reports,
it was found that the majority of Heavy Vehicle Drivers --are either
killed or seriously injured due to the NON-compliance regarding the wearing of seatbelts,also we have had accidents in our firm where the driver
due to wearing the seatbelt was able to come away with negligable injuries,One other point is that the insurance is stricter now when looking at claims for injuries and those who do not use the belt end up with a reduced or even no claim being allowed,ONE other point is that the fines are on the increase and when stopped for this offence the officer then carrys out a complete check which may have beeen avoidable if one had been wearing the seatbelt.,

REMINDER::For those who travel in Germany the police use either a mobliehome or even coaches to check up on the truckdriver and what he /she
is doing in the cab and to see if the seatbelt is being worn, so be warned!!