Always carry a six pack…no not my belly !! fosters…never know when your gonna be stranded in the middle of nowhere miles from anywhere…well thats my excuse anyway…on my middle east trips always carried a crate of pilsner or f.s. on the roof…and quite often cancelled when meeting another brit…perks of the job as they say…but there is a law that states that you can be prosecuted for being drunk in charge…there have been a few instances where drivers have been on the beer and arrested when returning to their trucks for a nights sleep and if you have the keys in your hand…or in the lock…and mr plod spies you…he could arrest you for the above charge…same as a car…in my local paper was a story of a guy who went to a party…however as he lived far away and there was no more room in the house decided to sleep in the back seat of his car…but the police was watching when he attempted to open the door…although he pleaded that he wasnt going to drive …but sleep…they still arrested and charged him…and he lost his licence for being drunk in charge…
have a nice day

If i can remember right, on a past holiday to Florida we were told by the hire car rep that it was illegal to carry alchohol in a vehicle apart from in the trunk (boot) I sometimes have a couple of cans available to me on a night out, tomorrow for instance i shall be parked up in Lincoln about 5-ish and since the customer doesnt open till 8am friday shall have a couple of beers and alie in :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:
see ya

In the US, it is illegal by federal DOT rules to have any alcoholic beverages in the cab or side boxes. If caught with a bottle, your truck will be impounded, your license revoked, and you will be arrested.

This applies to all commercial trucks.

…and concerning strange laws:

In Massachusetts, it is illegal to put tomatoes in clam chowder.

i used to carry a six pack in my cab when I lived in the UK for when I parked in the middle of nowhere but luckily all the truck stops I used had bars or a pub nearby.