Not H&S but every time I’ve been asked for the keys to get the shower or toilet key I tell them it invalidates the insurance
I went to a show in Hampshire.They had live firing of shot guns.But nobody to stop you walking past the shooters by going up a side track.It was roped off.That was it.No sign.
Then there was Terrier racing.Any size dog invited to take
30 dogs off their leads going in to the crowd with small kids watching.If you survived not being shot only to be mauled to death by a pack of Great Danes.
Eventually, we’ll have to do all our “risky work” outside the firm’s gates outright, so they cannot get sued.
Might as well lay off everyone at the depot, because if you don’t need drivers and forkies to do their job unhindered, you might as well sack your suited self as well, and save all those wasted paper and annoying phone call costs…
At one off the Next wharehouses at Pontefract they put a wheel blocker on, and still they want the keys.
Went into Cokes at Enfield with a Tilt years ago, that really blew their mind, they expected me to open the sides up behind a barrier, then drive in hand over the keys and sit in the cabe whilst they tip, get keys back drive out of the exit barrier and do the sides up. This is fine with a Tuatliner, not a hope with a Tilt. So I drove in and all the FLT’s were parked up whilst I opened it up, I then sit in cab hand over keys, and the all FLT’s were parked up again I do the sides up and drive out. They were actualy thinking off turning me away, and faxed our company to say that we were not to take a Tilt back in again, so we used to tranship the load at Tilbury Depot after that.
Eventually, we’ll have to do all our “risky work” outside the firm’s gates outright, so they cannot get sued.Might as well lay off everyone at the depot, because if you don’t need drivers and forkies to do their job unhindered, you might as well sack your suited self as well, and save all those wasted paper and annoying phone call costs…
Already happens at pd services Hartlepool.
You have to pull on to the road to strap down.
If you refuse you’re banned.
Eventually, we’ll have to do all our “risky work” outside the firm’s gates outright, so they cannot get sued.Might as well lay off everyone at the depot, because if you don’t need drivers and forkies to do their job unhindered, you might as well sack your suited self as well, and save all those wasted paper and annoying phone call costs…
Amazon did, or maybe still do this. If you need to go into the back of your truck for any reason, they make you go back out the gate and do what you’ve got to do outside their premises. So if anything happens to you, its not their problem basicly.
Palletline Hub, Solihull, is a bit of a Bum Ache aswell.
Hard hats, hand keys to Forkie, PPE , hazards whilst moving, speed limit (obviously) strap ‘every’ pallet, then they won’t let you on the trailer to sort your straps without someone being there to watch you ! (In case you fall off & hurt your ‘Wittle Self’)Then when they load it, you’re not supposed to strap it whilst they are loading it, making it impossible to strap high pallets at the front when you’ve pulled all the straps to the back !!!
So many rules & very little common sense !
I went on a risk assessment course & you are encouraged to look at risks from the lowest common denominator, so take the 'Fikest, Dopeyist, (has trouble remembering how to breath) stoopid’est, Brain Dead driver on the fleet (every company’s got one !)
Times his Stupidity by 2 & think of him as an infant & then assess the risks involved with every task. Then treat every body the same !No wonder we get ‘Peeved’ off all the time with OTT H&S !
Palletline Hub -
Hand keys to forkie - one went home with a driver’s keys not long ago!
Hazards and speed limit (AND one-way system) unless you’re shunter in which case ignore all.
Strap load - if you have a stand trailer you’re lucky if you can get down the side to open the curtains never mind strap it. The shunters put them too close together.
If you load on the bay it depends on which team leader you have and how sensible they are. Quite often we agree to work on opposite sides of the trailer which works perfectly safely.
Hand in keys in the tipping line - there’s no way you can move with another trailer 2 feet in front of you!
I could go on but a lot is probably common all over the industry. The problem is that a lot of the H&S people have loads of qualifications but have never actually done the job and haven’t really got a clue.
Next time you are asked for your keys just say " i hope you are not going to put them into a bowl !! "
Here is the latest big thing in h and s bull0
I see a DSV rigid today pass by my work.
The handing over of your keys has always concerned me.
If you lock the cab, hand over your keys, go in waiting room, then come out when called, get keys get in cab, and find something has been pinched in that time, do they cough up?
Because, most places I delivered to have a sign saying that the site owners are not responsible for damage or theft from vehicles.
If they have the keys, they MUST be responsible, surely?
I would be tempted to make them sign a piece of paper stating they accept the keys and in doing so, they accept all responsibility for damage or theft from vehicle.
Then maybe make them cough up for a ‘missing’ laptop or satnav maybe.
right then.
if you want ridiculous then here goes.
this was the procedure when it 1st opened a couple of years back.
and I haven’t been back since as I was barred for questioning their integrity
- at the gatehouse 2 people check you in.
- whilst backing on to bay 3 banksman (1 either side and 1 at front)
- once on bay you wind legs down, pull the pin and drop trailer. they then put a susie lock on and you park on the other side of yard with your cab facing your trailer and then you have your keys taken off you and you have to sit in the waiting room.
and the prize for stupidity goes to
Amazon Peterborough.
The plus side of running in Euroland.
Anyone seen wearing a shiny jacket or boots with hard ends are looked upon like a ■■■ and then asked to wear something more normal.
Delivered to Unipart at Cowley about 3 years ago. Backed into bay and asked to put isolater on red airline and then told to drop trailer.Did this then pulled out of bay . They then shut the bay door so i coundnt see the trailer let alone get under it. The loader then came out and asked for my keys. When i asked how i was causing any danger if i still had my keys he just kept repeating 3 words . Altogether now HEALTH and SAFETY.
Ditto Exxon Refinery, Fawley and some TP yards now have barrriers placed around the truck and you’re not allowed up on the bed to help unload, either.I sometimes wonder where it will all end
I dont think I have been anywhere worse than Fawley for bull ■■■. From the gatehouse to the weighbridge to the office to loading it is all ott. The loading bay is within sight of the gatehouse and reception yet they still search the cab, make you wear hard hat, gloves, boots, long sleeves and goggles when you are in the office, and now it seems the barriers are another thing.
I once asked for a new pair of gloves from the forkie which he gave me, but he said can you hide them if you come in again, the security will take them off you. I could not fault the loading staff, just the prats from the offices
I honestly feel that the silly H&S rules in some places, along with the DCPC is why many are not bothering to continue with driving.
I know I am not to sure if I am going to continue…I have not done any DCPC as yet.
Couple this with the way in which some places treat you and it makes for a very unhealthy working environment, psychologically speaking.
To be treated like a moron, by what are usually morons themselves is very depressing, especially if you take pride in what you do and know how to do it safely and in a polite fashion with consideration for others…You know, in a HUMAN way.
It is the dehumanising aspect of operation at certain places that needs addressing.
Thankfully for myself, having being banned from Morrisons, I now spend most of my non driving working time on farms, where real people exist and where they still know how to have a good laugh…But I do see some H&S stupidity creeping into some packing plants, I suppose at the behest of the supermarkets they pack for
As mentioned no health and safety in Europe.I have seen chemical tanker drivers on top of the tanker wearing only shorts and flip flops.
If that was the UK ,you would have to dress up like an extra for an alien invasion nuclear atomic attack film.
In most EU countries the scaffolding that holds up houses while being built is just wooden sticks or poles.
Have you noticed signs now saying the electric sockets are for staff use only in case you get fried charging the phone.
As mentioned no health and safety in Europe.I have seen chemical tanker drivers on top of the tanker wearing only shorts and flip flops.
Toby, when was the last time you were in Europe fella? It’s changed a bit since the ‘good ol’ days’!
Most places I tip or load at here in France want safety boots as the absolute minimum. Go onto most RDCs and it’s boots and hi-viz jackets before you get tipped, or at Keuhne + Nagel you need those plus you must give the guy on the ‘transpalette’ your keys and put a wheel chock in front of the trailer axle. Had to deliver one pallet to an abattoir last week and needed head covering, disposable over-jacket, overshoes and then needed to pass my hands through a spray disinfectant before the barrier would let me through onto the loading dock.
And in our place (TFE) ear plugs are obligatory in the cold store, due to the sound of the dock plates crashing down being in excess of the recommended limit
~ Craig
Actually, H&S and common sense do go together but it’s just the interpretation that gets messed up and we end up with a mess because people always put their own slant on things.
Actually, H&S and common sense do go together but it’s just the interpretation that gets messed up and we end up with a mess because people always put their own slant on things.
I get an H&S newsletter and love the weekly myths section and the excuses for it, there was a cafe who refused to butter toast due to health and safety Whose? mine or theirs!