Bbc Truckers.New drama series

Bill Maynard was best in “The Gaffer” if I recall.
There’s just been a ‘trailer’ (sorry :grimacing: ) on for Truckers and it looks like Stephen Tompkinson is in it too so it may not be all bad me hopes!

Will they get there in the nick of time or will it end up in a big creamy mess :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

“Just minutes to spare”, mate :unamused: :wink:


It starts on October 10th.Not that new as there was a drama called The Brothers about a haulage family with Kate O Mara who later was in The Triangle about a North Sea ferry service.Should be entertaining.

bought the complete series of the brothers wish i had not bothered, absolutely boring probably about half an hour on the transport side and the rest was all chat about their lives

There was some hints of healthy exercise from what I remember. Racy scenes away from the board room :laughing: Kate o Mara and Lisa Goddard

And of course there was Dogfood Dan and the Caernarfon Cowboy who were shagging each others wives