Baghdad Trucker - New book about Middle-East Run

who wants to flog their read copy for a huge discount then? :wink:

toprun Ferdy ,you were famous a couple of weeks ago . I published that picture of you in the back of the Wittwer trailer holding up that gold bar. How much was that load worth & where was the collection point & delivery…? ( And did you retire early…? )
PS. What happened with the Aarau / Zurich bank note hi-jack. How long did they get inside…?

who wants to flog their read copy for a huge discount then? :wink:

Given the price that “Cola Cowboys” goes for, :open_mouth: I’d sooner stick it away for 20 years and take my chances. :smiley:

Harry Monk:
I’ve read it now, and it’s an interesting book in parts. While it’s always good to get some background on an author, I felt that Kevin Noble (or rather his ghost-writer) dwelt for far too long on matters which would not necessarily be of very much interest to people wishing to read about truck driving to the Middle East .

my feelings too.

Got mine thru Ferdy and just finished it at the weekend.

Good read a little disjointed in places I too wonder why he did not go back to OZ - noticed that he still lives in Crook and has a restored 88.

Due to the pension crisis…can someone e.mail me one page at a time cos, i dont read very fast these days…much appreciated…


I thought that it was a great read, backgound not about trucks but interesting all the same. Would be good if other drivers or ex drivers put pen to paper as we all have hours to kill when parked up… Its not easy I am sure but well appreciated by those that read em!!!

Would be good if other drivers or ex drivers put pen to paper as we all have hours to kill when parked up…

That’s a good idea, I might do that. :wink: :smiley: :smiley: