Bad experience or just the norm?

Terry T:


only half a million kliks on the clock.

That’s break in mileage at our place. Most vehicles with a half a mill on really have one and a half :grimacing:

thats brand new milage at where i work lol

■■■■, so I have: sorry guys/mods. Could someone with authority move it across please, or shall I repost in the correct section?

Well it’s somewhat reassuring that I’m not alone, but then again if the experience I had transcends all areas of haulage, seemingly regardless of experience, I might stop before I end up jumping from the frying pan into the proverbial.

I’m not sure what I expected (although I did somewhat foolishly brush aside words of warning) but it wasn’t/isn’t this. Having said that, I have a couple of leads that I’m going to follow up. Not that I wish to waste anyone’s time, although I’d like to know for sure before I try something else…maybe politics.

Thanks for the feedback.

There’s decent firms out there but there’s too many blokes who allow themselves to be abused to put a crust on the table.