Back to the UK
Since I left England in '06 I’ve worked out of Melbourne docks. Now, nearing 65, I would like to return to England for a final experience before retirement. 30+ years in the industry as driver, fitter and owner driver, I enjoyed my time in Europe. I know I’d need a medical, no problem, But this cpc, I have two for transport manager, UK and International. Does this count or must I do the 35 hours of nonsense the EU prescribes. Frank

Not to mention at nearing 65 our wonderful free-for now health service!! yes welcome back.

Not all Euro work has gone to the east europeans…Still a few uk firms doing it.Pulleyns out of reading,Brian Yeardly.of course s&k…To name a few.So if thats what you fancy doing you could always give them a try.

Spend the rest eh your days soaking up the sun in OZ, don’t be aff your head and come back to this [zb].

I’d chew aff ma left arm to move to Australia but I think you need to be a doctor, rocket scientist etc before they’ll have you.

or a lottery winner

bobbya, 65 is the new 55, don’t ya know. And the health service here is free and simply amazing,

Spend the rest eh your days soaking up the sun in OZ, don’t be aff your head and come back to this [zb].

I’d chew aff ma left arm to move to Australia but I think you need to be a doctor, rocket scientist etc before they’ll have you.

Really, I am currently in Sydney we are returning next year!!!

Australia is over rated and over priced you would be a mug to give up the UK.

pay to see a GP, no free dental, no assistance if needed. get ill pay for it, trust me grass is not greener here.

Pay for private medical insurance and get told you cant claim!! yeah great life 30 years behind europe unless you want to drive a 1978 kenworth, have a mullet and where flip flops,

well bobbyya, you’ve really p;sed me off. The NHS I paid into for 39 years. My medical records would not cover a beer mat. I’m no freeloader. I’m an Englishman, I paid my way. We owe a few apologies around the world. So let’s get them done, and move on.

Discoman, you and I disagree. My doctor is Iraqi, his wife serves the female half of the practice. I can walk in off the street and see him in 30minutes. Dental work in UK costs a fortune, have it done in Thailand. Australia is not paradise, but you’re a bit dim mate.
Discoman, you and I disagree. My doctor is Iraqi, his wife serves the female half of the practice. I can walk in off the street and see him in 30minutes. Dental work in UK costs a fortune, have it done in Thailand. Australia is not paradise, but you’re a bit dim mate.

You can walk in and see, a Dr in my local GP centre however to get better treatment, or to see a specialist you pay. There isNo relevance to whether they see male or female is there?

Dental cost in UK is not dear, you can pay a 250 quid contribution towards a crown that is cheap!, NSW, Sydney in particular is crap I am here!
Dim, really, are you aware being outside of the UK for 2 years or more, means you may not be able to seek any entitlements unemployment NHS help etc . apart from state pension. I think you best research it prior to going back … 65 I think you are the dim one. During the war!!!, no one care if you have paid into the system for 39 years. everybody pays it who works. I think your the dim one.

At least we agree Australia is not paradise, as said we are moving back to UK next year.

Well Discoman, now we’ve insulted one another perhaps we can mend our fractured relationship. Don’t sneer at my age, the oldest guy on my firm is 75, he drives a B Double, he tried retirement but didn’t like it.
Are you sure you want to return? Have you a ticket back in case it’s the worst decision of your life.?

I miss England so much but everything I read from there is negative. A very unhappy country, grown men would chew their arm off to get here Oz, desperate people risk their lives to get here in unseaworthy boats. Are you sure??

I never appreciated England until my wife came there. We’ve been together 12 years now. She and my two stepchildren are now Australian citizens. I showed her the country, the cathedrals, the castles, the stately homes, the green and fertile fields. She was impressed, and dammit, so was I.

In Beeston. Nottingham I walked past 6 pubs to get to my pub. Here they’re ruined by those ■■■■ pokies.
And the phone just rang. One of my firm’s drivers must return to the Philipines, sadly a bereavement. So two weeks work for me.
Well Discoman, now we’ve insulted one another perhaps we can mend our fractured relationship. Don’t sneer at my age, the oldest guy on my firm is 75, he drives a B Double, he tried retirement but didn’t like it.
Are you sure you want to return? Have you a ticket back in case it’s the worst decision of your life.?

I miss England so much but everything I read from there is negative. A very unhappy country, grown men would chew their arm off to get here Oz, desperate people risk their lives to get here in unseaworthy boats. Are you sure??

I never appreciated England until my wife came there. We’ve been together 12 years now. She and my two stepchildren are now Australian citizens. I showed her the country, the cathedrals, the castles, the stately homes, the green and fertile fields. She was impressed, and dammit, so was I.

In Beeston. Nottingham I walked past 6 pubs to get to my pub. Here they’re ruined by those ■■■■ pokies.
And the phone just rang. One of my firm’s drivers must return to the Philipines, sadly a bereavement. So two weeks work for me.

Well, I agree 100% about returning I never disagreed at all my comment originally was in relation to the member wanting to come here, sadly no matter how much I was warned I wouldn’t listen … I am not making a mistake returning to the UK, I will return to London still have my house the tenants will be moving out when I give notice … I have my HC here, agreed that old boys are the ones who keep it running here, can people afford to retire here lol.

You are right re slot machines I don’t visit pubs a non drinker, and you can have to much heat and sun. like yourself I never appreciated, London England or the UK, the countryside here is not the same, I have never visited Melbourne so cant comment as such. I am very lucky my wife is English and wants to go home we will get dual nationality it will benefit the kids etc. and for sake of 8 months well worth doing .

People risking their lives to come here from 2nd and 3rd world countries I agree, it is great for them for me■■? I honestly feel like Australia is 20 years behind the UK.

Regardless I wish you all the best on your return and it works out well

Discoman, peace be with you my friend, I wish you well. Frank

If you two are serious about coming back here you’re going to have to sort yourselves out. Kissing & making up that quickly is unacceptable on this forum, you should get at least 5 pages of ■■■ for tat arguments out of this so come on buck up & try harder. :laughing:



Being the holder of national and international CPC you will of course have attended many refresher courses and updated your professional knowledge since passing those exams.

Since when is it a requirement to undertake any refresher courses for the national or international opperator CPC?

No legal requirement - it’s just what a professional would do :smiley:

However - I’d like to see a CPC holder make it through a public enquiry without being told to attend a refresher course. I do a nice bit of business supplying manager refresher courses to people who have been ordered to attend by a TC.

So its got nothing to do with keeping updated, Just that you earn a good few bob doing refresher courses,. Just about says it all for another jumped up so called Instructor. I have held my CPC national & international since the early eighty’s and have never felt the need to take instruction from anybody as being involved on a day to day basis I am at the fore front of any changes that have happened, And do you know what really gives me the hump ! its people running these courses and refresher courses who get there learning not from doing it every day, but from Another Jumped up expert who convinces them that they can teach you everything.
And if you do not believe me then take a cold hard look at the Drivers CPC an absolute waste of time mate, as any driver who attends it will tell you, brought about by a bunch of toady instructors convincing the authority’s that we need to teach drivers something that looks good on paper, but is really a load of crap…Well I guess from this you can see that I do not have a lot of time for the waste of space that is the vast majority of self opinionated class room based tell me everything ( as long as you can read it from a book ) instructors.

Correct me if I am wrong, but you can also do the same module 5 times to get your cpc.
I did all 5 to get the benefit of the whole curriculum. :unamused:

Seems ridiculous that you can study the same material 5 times and it all counts. Just as long as you have done your 35 hours.
You do the job successfully for 20+ years and then someone is telling you how it should be done?

Correct, i did 4x eco driving and 1x customer service.

Doing the same mod four times was crap but it purely depended on what dates i could do as we were just given a few Saturdays to choose from and it just worked out that way.




Being the holder of national and international CPC you will of course have attended many refresher courses and updated your professional knowledge since passing those exams.

Since when is it a requirement to undertake any refresher courses for the national or international opperator CPC?

No legal requirement - it’s just what a professional would do :smiley:

However - I’d like to see a CPC holder make it through a public enquiry without being told to attend a refresher course. I do a nice bit of business supplying manager refresher courses to people who have been ordered to attend by a TC.

So its got nothing to do with keeping updated, Just that you earn a good few bob doing refresher courses,. Just about says it all for another jumped up so called Instructor. I have held my CPC national & international since the early eighty’s and have never felt the need to take instruction from anybody as being involved on a day to day basis I am at the fore front of any changes that have happened, And do you know what really gives me the hump ! its people running these courses and refresher courses who get there learning not from doing it every day, but from Another Jumped up expert who convinces them that they can teach you everything.
And if you do not believe me then take a cold hard look at the Drivers CPC an absolute waste of time mate, as any driver who attends it will tell you, brought about by a bunch of toady instructors convincing the authority’s that we need to teach drivers something that looks good on paper, but is really a load of crap…Well I guess from this you can see that I do not have a lot of time for the waste of space that is the vast majority of self opinionated class room based tell me everything ( as long as you can read it from a book ) instructors.

You may be at the fore front of any changes but unfortunately many I meet aren’t. Some can’t even check driving licences (what do you mean C1 is not Class 1!!!), have little idea of the undertakings they are legally committed to and get themselves invited to see a traffic commissioner. A lot I meet could easily have avoided their problems had they kept up with things.

As for DCPC I must be meeting the other half of the drivers out there. The ones who do need a bit of help. The ones being fed ■■■■■■■■ by their bosses and that need to clarify a few things and have someone invest a bit of time in them. Yes DCPC is pointless to some drivers but needed for others. I am still coming across drivers working over 13 hours duty and taking 11 hours off thinking that is a regular daily rest. And somewhere there is an operator encouraging or allowing that.

I know I’m on a hiding to nowhere with this so I’ll ‘jump off’ and read a book or two.

Oh, Billy Hunt, rhymes with ?, what a great response. Laugh like a drain, but I take your point.
So much extra regulation imposed on you by the Euro masters. My interest is only on pensions, the money I’m due from UK. Why should Australia pay for my old age? I paid here 9 years, the UK 39. I’m talking about my pension, don’t you know, not retirement.

You retire, you die.
Oh, Billy Hunt, rhymes with ?, what a great response. Laugh like a drain, but I take your point.
So much extra regulation imposed on you by the Euro masters. My interest is only on pensions, the money I’m due from UK. Why should Australia pay for my old age? I paid here 9 years, the UK 39. I’m talking about my pension, don’t you know, not retirement.

You retire, you die.

I take it the time you’ve spent there has sucked the sense of humour out of you, maybe I should have put a smiley face at the end, as a visual representation of the fact that I was being facetious. :blush:
As for your pension you’ve already paid in for enough years, it’s been up & down recently, it’s been 30 & 37 but is currently 35 years, or so I’m lead to believe by the job centre guy. And yes, should you work when you return you will still pay into the pot, I did ask if I could now stop paying as I’ve also paid in for over the required time. The answer was no.
One thing you might want to check out is when your pension will start, I received a letter from the pension office kindly letting me know I won’t get my pension until my 66th birthday, it will depend on your date of birth.

Come on, is your name really Billy Hunt. My sense of humour is alive and kicking.

when I give up work in Oz, er never, I will buy a cheap caravan and hitch it to my station wagon and become a grey nomad. We roam around Oz, working in agricultural jobs as required.