Back problems

I think that the majority of truckers will suffer back problems as the years roll by.
when i started in this industry it seemed that the majority of drivers in that era were walking with either a stoop…or a limp…The lorries in those days were built without thinking of driver comfort…it seemed that the seat would be the last piece to be fitted…and they were very uncomfortable…till we got the Ford D series…which were well thought out…and very comfortable. It seems that as we move forward…some of the manufacturers actually think about the drivers comfort…when the first air seat arrived…in the volvo F88/89…we were in heaven
It took the english manufacturers a long time to catch up with the swedes…However i must admit that scania have gone backwards…and i believe there is still a law suit outstanding whereby the legal profession is suing them for causing severe back problems in their vehicles…In my experience DAF have always made a good seat…and i have driven most of their models from the 26002800 330095 and the Strato and the new breed of Daf trucks like the super space cab XF…
I have back problems like described here on this thread…sometimes it locks up…and sometimes i cant get up off the floor…bed rest is the only cure…well that is until i was prescribed the following drugs…

i take 2 Diclofenac Sodium ( 50mg ) and either 1x Solpadol or Nurofen…it really has an effect that the pain goes in a short while…and i am able to move quite freely… WORD OF WARNING… please consult with your doctor beforehand as not all medicines work on the same people…and the diclofenac is on prescription only…but i can honestly say that although i have tried many medicins…this is the best by far…good luck…