B&Q Doncaster

TTX boy:
this thread isn’t about delivering to B&Q stores,we are talking about delivering to B&Q own distribution warehouses !

So what?


TTX boy:
this thread isn’t about delivering to B&Q stores,we are talking about delivering to B&Q own distribution warehouses !

So what?

my thoughts exactly :unamused:

if youre running late,send em an email to avoid penalties. if youre running early,park up outside.



TTX boy:
this thread isn’t about delivering to B&Q stores,we are talking about delivering to B&Q own distribution warehouses !

So what?

my thoughts exactly :unamused:

For you thick drivers out there,the difference is that when you deliver to B&Q stores you can turn up anytime and not get fined but if your over 30 mins early or 30 mins late for your booking times at B&Q distribution warehouses you get fined.

It’s not that hard to understand !!!

No you can’t if you have a booking slot you ■■■■■■! When we delivered flower pots to the shops we had timed deliverys which were booked in at B&Q headquarters. If we were late by half an hour the shop could refuse to take the delivery and our company could get fined. I should know, we have been doing B&Q shop deliverys for 5 year! :unamused:

It also depended on the goods in staff. Some would take the stuff whenever you turned up others wouldn’t. I once got to a B&Q shop in Bristol for a 9am delivery the day before at 16:00 with 2 pallets. The fella on goods in wouldn’t tip me saying I’m not booked in until 9am next morning. Other shops I’ve got there the day before or 4 hours after the booking in time and been tipped no problem.

No you can’t if you have a booking slot you ■■■■■■! When we delivered flower pots to the shops we had timed deliverys which were booked in at B&Q headquarters. If we were late by half an hour the shop could refuse to take the delivery and our company could get fined. I should know, we have been doing B&Q shop deliverys for 5 year! :unamused:

For the last time … no it couldn’t. B&Q are a private company, not the law, and have no power to issue fines. They can send your company an invoice, which it can safely ignore.

Rhythm Thief:

No you can’t if you have a booking slot you ■■■■■■! When we delivered flower pots to the shops we had timed deliverys which were booked in at B&Q headquarters. If we were late by half an hour the shop could refuse to take the delivery and our company could get fined. I should know, we have been doing B&Q shop deliverys for 5 year! :unamused:

For the last time … no it couldn’t. B&Q are a private company, not the law, and have no power to issue fines. They can send your company an invoice, which it can safely ignore.

If you are delivering your own goods it’s in the contract that any fine money can be deducted from your invoice so I think you will find they can fine you!

TTX boy:



TTX boy:
this thread isn’t about delivering to B&Q stores,we are talking about delivering to B&Q own distribution warehouses !

So what?

my thoughts exactly :unamused:

For you thick drivers out there,the difference is that when you deliver to B&Q stores you can turn up anytime and not get fined but if your over 30 mins early or 30 mins late for your booking times at B&Q distribution warehouses you get fined.

It’s not that hard to understand !!!

Are you one of those thick drivers? As already said it’s the same at stores. It’s not that hard to understand!!!

Olog Hai:
‘Fining’ hauliers a grand because the truck turned up early… :laughing: :unamused: Who these people think they are I really have no idea. Yet another example of the trumped-up, look-how-important-we-are world of RDC idiocy.

They only continue to be up their own arses because firms and drivers go along with their bloody stupid ways. I just tend to not play along and show I don’t take their pedantic rules and regs seriously, and basically laugh at them, you have nothing to lose as chances are they will make you wait a ridiculous amount of time whatever (apart from that I am on hourly pay anyway so I couldn’t give a ■■■■ :sunglasses: )
For eg. I learned in this job years ago that if you appear to these type of tossers to be in a hurry they ■■■■ you about, if you sit with your feet up on the wheel reading the paper, or tell them you are going to sleep… so give me a knock when you are ready, you are tipped in minutes.
If firms treated them with a similar attitude, got together, and basically told them to ■■■■ off, things would probably be different, because they would realise that if they didn’t clean up their acts, there would not get their goods delivered.

when i was on boxes i used to dread B+Q at Redhouse ,the only place where it could take them upto 6 hours to tip a 20’ box full of tiles, yet Swindon or Worksop could do the same tip in 30 mins to an hour or if you went in for a drop and swap you would end up waiting to tip the box you took in as they had sent all the emptys back with their own drivers

This is sounding more and more like the next addition to the RDC Bull ■■■■ list. I think the “Fines” are probably for delivering early to stores which again, is probably BULL ■■■■!

I have NEVER had any problem being too early or late at any B&Q DC, they either told me to wait outside or go in.

My 2 massive bugbears with B&Q DC’s are the following

  1. Security Guards attitude, enforcing STUPID H&S “RULES” and being jobsworths. Why on earth would I need to drive around a yard with hazards on? I nearly had a B&Q shunter smash into the back of my container by following this STUPID rule, driving with hazards on - approached my bay, check mirrors and slowed down, moved over to the left to line myself up and hear the shunter anchor on, because I was driving round with my hazards on he didn’t know what I was doing.

Since then I NEVER drive with hazards on EVER unless I am shunting/manoeuvring or broken down.

I did report this as a “Near Miss” and they said there is nothing wrong with the policy… TBH if you need 4 way amber flashing lights to see a 50-55 foot long lorry and work in a haulage yard, you are crazy.

  1. The thick ■■■■ who calls himself “Banksman” I cant comment further but he doesnt know how to drive a car but tries to tell you which way to steer onto a bay…