Austria Daytime Lighting

Having spent a few days in Austria this week it seems that there was almost 100% compliance with this new regulation. Mind you the fact everybody had their lights on on Friday was down to the weather/snow but on Wednesday it was a bright sunny day and all the headlights were on.

Contrast that with driving in the fog this morning from Midlands-London where LOADS of drivers didn’t see the need for ANY lights.And people wonder why the nanny state intervenes,it’s not ■■■■■■■ rocket science to switch on your lights in fog and not poxy sidelights either, cupid stunts! :imp:

Without bowing to a superior power :stuck_out_tongue: Coffee.

I would have almost bet money that Austria already had a daytime lighting law, maybe Im mistaken, or it was the done thing years ago. Could it have just been ADR?

I dont agree with bike lights being on all the time, sometimes on an undulating road it can look like the bike has flashed his light for the blind git in the car to pull out right in front of him or me :cry:

The trouble with everyone having lights on, it is like everyone wearing HiViz, you only notice the ones without :stuck_out_tongue:

Wheel Nut:
Without bowing to a superior power :stuck_out_tongue: Coffee.

I would have almost bet money that Austria already had a daytime lighting law, maybe Im mistaken, or it was the done thing years ago. Could it have just been ADR?

Might have been ADR. This week was the first time I’ve ever used lights at all times in Austria and the info I posted at the start of this thread came from Austrian authorities.