Australia then and now

Reading with interest.
I wouldn’t go out of my way to seek out such sites, but good to know about the areas one is going through.

Events that happened years ago are more palatable than those more recent ones, aren’t they? I can understand visiting the sites of Jack the Ripper’s crimes, but not those of recent serial killers.

1979 on the Landsborough Highway Kynuna-Cloncurry Queensland Australia.

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We had quite a few lunatic murderers from our sleepy little hamlet of Bradford nestled in the Yorkshire Dales. We had Jack the Ripper 2 the Ford Transcontinental driving nutcase.Then there was the Black Panther and more recently the self titled Crossbow Cannible . There were more but these three chaps stick in my mind.

@oiltreader oily, that is McKinlay, where the pub scenes from Crocodile Dundee were filmed.

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Just to say the weather here’s turned we now have gale force winds at 9c i’m gonna need some sun block.
Have you ever seen one of these :thinking::thinking::thinking:

I think they were an export only Foden.

Only 2 were made i would put my last £ on them been made in Australia and not Sandbach … but i’m most likely wrong. Now i need a cold drink in this balmy weather phew

I never have but I like and reckon it is the bees’ knees. :joy:

I’ll see if I can copy it and send it to Dig, he lives in Perth where that photo says Fode Oz is. :grinning:

The basic cab looks to be the Motor Panels one Foden used at home, so I reckon they were CKD kits sent out by ship in crates.

Yeah definitely a Motor Panels cab maybe it was totally modified on arrival.Very innovative those Aussies

It’s possible the bonnets alone were supplied locally, whilst the rest arrived as a completely-knocked-down kit.

I certainly don’t know (quelle surprise!) but wouldn’t it have been better if any CKD trucks from the UK due to have Fuller/Eaton gearboxes would arrive without them?
If components were made in the US why send them to the UK and then to Aus? Why not send them direct?
I thought the same about Cummins engines but since they have a plant in Darlington UK that would make little difference.
Wheels/tyres? Local or shipped across the globe?

I believe Dig had a decent handle on those Fodens, that is from where I got my information.
@spardo please pass my regards to Dig. I wish I’d got his contract details when we met, but who foresaw the upheaval when TNUK changed platforms?

I think you might find that the reason was taxation, anything coming from Britain back in the day was either no, or low, taxed compared to non Commonwealth countries.

SDU? True?
And I’ll certainly pass on your thoughts to Dave (Dig). I tried to persaude him back this time last year but he would have none of it.

That would be because all those components were actually made in UK under licence, so they hadn’t already been halfway round the world :wink:

Cummins I knew about. Fuller Eaton as well? I didn’t know that, thanks.

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Eaton-Fuller was in Hounslow, Middex :wink:

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Cummins Darlo, wasn’t that only the small blocks. Weren’t the big blocks built elsewhere?

Shotts (Scotland), Darlington and Daventry. New Malden too.

Yes, much yank stuff came from Canada.
Guessing it was the '74 Labor government that eased up on the Commonwealth biased tariffs.