At what point...

Big Roy:
This is unbelievable, I don’t think I’ve seen so many “real men” in one place at one time since the unplanned night out thread.

+1 :slight_smile:

It’s down to the individual driver to make the decision to go out or not, no need for a blanket ban, I’m sure we can all think for ourselves.


If you think it’s unsafe then don’t go, end of, leave it for all the “real men” to risk their lives - for £10 an hour :open_mouth:

+1/2, more about the challenge than the cash for the real men out there I would imagine.

I think this site needs to change the tag line

Although I think that might attract a totally different type of clientele :wink:

Nope still get the same cross-section of trucker types, from men to ladies and those inbetween / unsure.

All that needs to be remembered is that no matter what happens and whether you’re man or whimp if it goes wrong, you’re in the ■■■■■ because you’re a professional! Crack on!

In that snow we had in 2010, our manager refused to let our depot go out on the road for 3 days. We all enjoyed the overtime that that brought in.

I can hear it now
TM saying
"nip into ATS and get
some M&S’s put on

Some would like to wimp out at the first gust of wind or sprinkle of snow but not wanting to be seen as wimping out they need a law to be passed so we can all wimp out together.

Even if this law was worth considering how would you word it? Would it be county, country or nationwide!

Tought up do what has been done for years, make a judgement call on the conditions and be prepared.

Even if this law was worth considering how would you word it? Would it be county, country or nationwide!

A good point. Here in Glasgow we have no sign of snow but some of the UK has blizzards. If you issue warnings,where does it end. Start saying its only for x,y and z areas and you will have mass confusion. A one size fits all would never work

In the north east there have been yellow weather warning on the go for about 3 weeks, first for the wind, never a problem, & this week for the possibility of snow, I’ve not seen a single flake. Pass a law by all means, as long as it states I get paid even though I’m not allowed to drive due to government issued weather warnings, it would suit me no end.

Some of the comments on here are hilarious, risking your life? WTF?

How can a few snowflakes put your life at risk?

Driving in the snow is far safer than running on a summer’s day, on the limiter right up the arse of the lorry in front as far too many do.

I’m sure the statistics will back that up too.

Haven’t felt the need to park up yet but have had the ‘remember it’s at your discretion’ reminder a few times, I have knocked it off a few clicks and seen others go flying past on the limiter, on one occasion I passed him on his side a couple of miles down the road. I would have no hesitation in parking up if I felt it necessary.

Can’t understand the mentality of the ‘heros’ on here its not so much whether you can handle the conditions its more whether you can handle the fall-out from other peoples’ f-ups, say a family car rebounding off the barrier and coming to rest in your lane with, the road covered in slush, in a blizzard with traffic either side of you. Maybe not so smart running on the limiter then, eh?

NO…Don’t need any laws/regulations regarding the weather, winter/summer we all know what to expect, sun or rain or high winds or snow or ice, the driver is in charge of that vehicle, and its his decision to take it or leave it or park up if its too dangerous, but before he gets to the park up stage, he will have been put in that situation by others mistakes, or maybe lack of gritting etc. Its scary for drivers who have not driven on icy roads, snow is fine, its when it melts and freezes it becomes dangerous, same as black ice, drive to the conditions and all will be fine, and that’s the secret, don’t worry about whether some knob wants to overtake at dangerous speeds, he has no will to live or survive, ignore the funny looks, just drive as safe as you can for the conditions before you and stay safe.

Yellow lol amber alert this friday onwards so everyone man up and keep them wheels turning … ing-for-uk

Just crack on and drive to the conditions, the electronic aids on modern trucks are quite effective, and surely it is not the end of the world if you do get snowed in.

Asked if I can do a delivery of celotex (on a flatbed) first rather than second tomorrow as I fear the wind with this stuff.

“No, it has to be 2nd. The first drop is a regular customer and the second is only a cash buy…oh and I’m adding another drop to the two you have”

“Gee, thanks”

Yellow lol amber alert this friday onwards so everyone man up and keep them wheels turning … ing-for-uk

Or man up and refuse to go. :smiley:

But whatever it should be the driver who makes the final call to go or not.

Wind getting up now here in N Yorks. At 9pm there wasn’t a breath

Just came over the A66 and it was getting interesting in places, wind deflectors pounding on the roof like a jack-hammer :unamused:

Minus 25c plus windchill , snowing and blowing at 50 kph , drifting nicely . Off across the Prairies first thing , then oop North before reloading in Regina for Montana . That’ll be my weekend sorted , enjoy the A66 chaps :laughing: :laughing: … s-30726678

Lorry blown over on M6 and luton van blown over on the Forth Bridge. Stay safe people.

It is up to the driver to say no. He is responsible for the vehicle and should know his own capabilities. In adverse weather conditions I can drive better than some, I have also seen others go where I have stopped.

For me it is - if in doubt STOP! I’d sooner wait than fill out forms and/or help cutting someone out of a vehicle I’ve just squashed.

I just tryed to write exactly the same

Just crack on and drive to the conditions, the electronic aids on modern trucks are quite effective, and surely it is not the end of the world if you do get snowed in.

I could rather do well without the Electronic Aid