At what point...

It should be made law that when say a yellow alert is issued hgvs are banned for specific time

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Adverse weather? Snow in December is not adverse weather ffs, it is seasonal weather!

Seriously if you are scared of a bit of snow you should give it up and start catching a bus.

Adverse weather? Snow in December is not adverse weather ffs, it is seasonal weather!

Seriously if you are scared of a bit of snow you should give it up and start catching a bus.

Due to adverse weather buses are running at a restricted service :grimacing:

I retract my last post even if the winds are 90 mph we must carry on trucking because hgv drivers are real men and can handle any conditions.

Load of crap i dont want to prove i am a man by driving in adverse weather where i may kill myself and even someone else but to all the REAL MEN that want to please do carry on

In general that’s not whats been said, the driver should be the person who makes the decision. If you think it’s to dangerous then you stop. But that’s your call, you’re the person there at the time.

do the traffic planners say " the weather is going to be bad tonight according to the forecast, so we’ll stand the vehicles down.

No they don’t because they don’t give a zb about the drivers, they’re seen as a nuisance, if anything happens they’ll just replace you, the goods & the motor you’ll have destroyed…:exclamation:


says it all… :slight_smile:

This is how I decided whether I’m driving in certain conditions…

Will driving in this weather(whatever it maybe) pose a real threat to me not seeing my 7yr old son growing up and him having a dad,if the answer is yes then I woudnt drive…simple as that,employers don’t give a toss if you get killed they will just pretend they do and replace you once the dust settles…employers on here may argue differently but it’s the truth!

If YOU feel it’s not safe then bollox to what ANYONE else may tell you,remeber to them your just someone making them money,to your family you are a dam sight more-you decide which you put first!

I’ve been driving 11 years and have ONCE refused to complete all my drops so I’m far from someone who quits easily but we all have limits…some try to go beyond them and end up in a box.


It should be made law that when say a yellow alert is issued hgvs are banned for specific time

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

dead on there…as soon as the flags go up simoultaniously across the country we could all just pull off the nearest m/way exit,and head for a convenient truckstop.( theres millions in the uk as were spoilt for choice) itl have great food,warm resturaunt,nice showers before our evenings entertainment,plus we will all be able to sleep safe snuggled up in our beds upstairs (assuming you r one of the fannies having an unplanned night out and didnt bring a pillow) otherwise all the real men will be all snug knowing the truckloads are all safe with the secured and patrolled parking we will all be in,and then after the whiteout passes and the yellow flag goes down,we can topup our big breakfast with a flask of coffee,and headout into the new day to pickup our routes where we left off,as by the time we get to our drops,then planners will have booked us in with new booking this point,id be expecting lord lucan to be waking me up from my nice dream with news that my lottery ticket just came in,and we could ride off into the sunset tgether on shergar…or is your dream nicer? :unamused:


Adverse weather? Snow in December is not adverse weather ffs, it is seasonal weather!

Seriously if you are scared of a bit of snow you should give it up and start catching a bus.

Due to adverse weather buses are running at a restricted service :grimacing:

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

It should be made law that when say a yellow alert is issued hgvs are banned for specific time

Love it!!! :sunglasses: :sunglasses: :sunglasses:

Pah! In my day if I only done half my drops because of snow I’d give gaffer half his pay back :grimacing:

Sorry boss its snowing so we can’t make the show :smiley:

It should be made law that when say a yellow alert is issued hgvs are banned for specific time

So you are out on the road and a yellow alert is issued. You have to immediately park up until the alert is lifted. This forum would go into meltdown with drivers complaining they were stuck out with no sleeping bag, kettle, DVD player, tv, internet, food, drink, cuddly toy, electric blanket etc. Don’t say that driver’s would be allowed to continue to drive to return to base, it’s either bad enough to issue the ban or it isn’t, no exceptions.

A few times over the years I had the situation in Germany where the weather got bad, and by bad I mean many times worse then the bit of snow we get, and all trucks over 7.5 tonnes had to park up. That means first service area, truck park, lay-by and no continuing your journey. I used to pretend I couldn’t understand the signs or radio announcements, they were in German obviously, and continue on nice quiet roads until I got stopped.

This post is a windup right?

Its got to be :unamused:

do the traffic planners say " the weather is going to be bad tonight according to the forecast, so we’ll stand the vehicles down.

I hope the 3 lorry and coach driver got home safely after their respective incidents, especially the B and M Driver. … -come.html

I like the picture with the caption about villagers coming to the rescue of the truck stuck near Hanbury. Of course they did, it’s got the beer on. :smiley: :stuck_out_tongue:

what a man , nothing stops him going out

what a real man

real men just getting on with the job and not ■■■■■■■ about


do the traffic planners say " the weather is going to be bad tonight according to the forecast, so we’ll stand the vehicles down.

I hope the 3 lorry and coach driver got home safely after their respective incidents, especially the B and M Driver. … -come.html

I like the picture with the caption about villagers coming to the rescue of the truck stuck near Hanbury. Of course they did, it’s got the beer on. :smiley: :stuck_out_tongue:

Not surprised the daf got stuck either if its got the auto box fitted :wink:


what a man , nothing stops him going out

what a real man

real men just getting on with the job and not ■■■■■■■ about

So three pictures to prove your point, 2 of which look to be US or Canada. What about all those trucks that make the deliveries during bad weather, especially in Canada? Maybe truck should also be banned when the roads are dry or at night as they also crash in those conditions?


what a man , nothing stops him going out

what a real man

real men just getting on with the job and not ■■■■■■■ about

yep,the weather definitely seperates the real men from the fannie steering wheel attendants… :unamused:



If you cannot drive your commercial vehicle in adverse weather conditions perhaps you should restrict yourself to summer driving or seek
alternative emploment.

Its your dumbass attitude that has led to the widespread practice of sending out trucks in conditions they shouldn’t be out in and putting undue pressure on drivers to go out to get stuck in snow, slide off the road or be one of dozens in a day getting put on their side.

There’s nothing big or clever about doing it and the sensible stay at home. You and those like you are just backwards thinking knuckle draggers. The names included in the list of those calling people fannies on this thread comes as no surprise. Its almost a who’s who of dumbasses.

There’s a simple reason that snow messes the roads up… speed, either too much causing loss of control or too little causing loss of momentum.

In any case three inches of snow causing the country to grind to a halt is shameful.