Artic driver in terrible accident at heathrow airport

Was this a roller bed trailer? It was more good luck then management that it didnt happen to me once. Somehow I had raised the rollers or the air pressure had built up as I opened the doors and 2 heavy air freight pallets came trundling towards me :open_mouth:

They dont bounce very well


…, but 1 driver said he was in a really bad way & another driver i was speaking to about it told me he was killed…

Without wishing to sound callous what is the point of your post?

By the sounds of it the driver is either dead or badly injured. If the latter I hope he makes a speedy recovery but I struggle to understand why his plight has been highlighted on here.

I was posting this as i was shocked when this happened as its the place i work & deliver to all the time. I respect all other truck drivers whether i know them or not, after all we’re all doing the same job & just trying to make ends meet. None of us start work & expect to get injured or even killed. What makes it worse is its so close to christmas. We should all learn something from this, i know i have learnt a valuable lesson.