In for 5 hours for £102 tomorrow, so I’m happy enough…
Of all the people on this forum, I’d have thought you would be the last one to say he’s “happy enough” for £20ph on Boxing Day.
In for 5 hours for £102 tomorrow, so I’m happy enough…
Of all the people on this forum, I’d have thought you would be the last one to say he’s “happy enough” for £20ph on Boxing Day.
I’d want a bit more than time +half for working Boxing day
In for 5 hours for £102 tomorrow, so I’m happy enough…Of all the people on this forum, I’d have thought you would be the last one to say he’s “happy enough” for £20ph on Boxing Day.
Eh? - Why’s that?
…I thought I had a reputation for someone who didn’t get out of bed for less than a tenner per hour midweek… I Never mentioned any aversion to a straight-forward job I’ve done before, and filling out what would otherwise be a short-paid week on agency as it is…
■■■■ that im back on the 5th
Off from my full time job till the 5th. But told agency I’m available so may get something over the weekend, suspect it will only be flat rate though.
A mate of mine that works on the railways doing track maintenanace is doing a 12 hour shift tonight at £75.00 per hour so £900 quid for one shift, no wonder it costs so much to go on a bloody train.
[zb] that im back on the 5th
■■■■ that I’m back on the 6th na na na na na
Can’t believe the o/p was itching to get back to work at 3 48 in the afternoon on Christmas Day To quote Alan Partridge ‘‘It’s saaaaaaaad’’
i don t like stay at home to long.i like somethink do.Each to their own but that sounds sad to me, you should find a hobby or something to occupy you on your time off.
Work to live not live to work.
Like Andrejs in back to work this evening and that suits me just fine. Had a lovely three days off but work is my hobby and I love it. There is no distinction betwixt work and living for me. Yes some may find that sad but i think it’s great as I never do anything I hate. I couldn’t get up for a job I hate.
i don t like stay at home to long.i like somethink do.Each to their own but that sounds sad to me, you should find a hobby or something to occupy you on your time off.
Work to live not live to work.Like Andrejs in back to work this evening and that suits me just fine. Had a lovely three days off but work is my hobby and I love it. There is no distinction betwixt work and living for me. Yes some may find that sad but i think it’s great as I never do anything I hate. I couldn’t get up for a job I hate.
make sure you get your vlog uploaded before you go, it’s your duty to entertain your fans Safe journeys by the way.
Not planning to be back until the 5th earliest, but won’t be surprised if I get a call before then. Whether I do it or not depends on what’s on offer and how I feel.
Yesterday and today are my first days off since the 30th November, I’m back working tomorrow for two hours and got an hour to do on Sunday. Next day with nothing is the 1st then got work every day until the 16th when there’s nothing for 4 days while I take a little trip to Poland. Life is good.
Back in today but in place of tomorrows shift since it is affecting my start time. Bank holiday rate instead of Saturday rate. Thank you very much
was going to work for £18 an hour until they cancelled the bloody run,expecting the same for new years day