Are you a thief?


I think the law of the land states that you are innocent until proven guilty, so why are we judged differently :unamused:

If you object to them looking in your trailer you should also object to using Tacho’s after all it is the same, I don’t drive bent so why should I use tacho’s it’s the same really :unamused:

I think that you must be mad the lot of you, do you get searched when leaving a shop, NO, so why do we as lorry drivers have to PROVE our innocence everytime we leave a place :question: It is a clear infringement of our civil liberties, random checks I have no problem with, but every time, no I’m afraid that’s wrong :unamused: Guess we’ll have to agree to disagree :wink:

when i finish tipping or loading,i take the high viz and boots off.
i dont like wearing all that crap.
if i wanted a uniform i would have joined the army.
i object to getting out of the cab to open the back doors.
if they want to look in the cab .
let them open the doors and close them.
i take off the uniform when i close the doors at the loading bay.
i dont want to have to put back on or the dirty working gloves when at the exit gate.
if they want to look in my trailer,let them get themselves dirty and leave me in the cab.
i have always resisted the urge to rob anything out of the back of a trailer.
i do my job properly and thats as far as it goes.
if security want to see inthe back.i give them the gloves.
iv done my job.
theres no obligation to get back out of the cab as far as i am concerned.

when i finish tipping or loading,i take the high viz and boots off.
i dont like wearing all that crap.
if i wanted a uniform i would have joined the army.
i object to getting out of the cab to open the back doors.
if they want to look in the cab .
let them open the doors and close them.
i take off the uniform when i close the doors at the loading bay.
i dont want to have to put back on or the dirty working gloves when at the exit gate.
if they want to look in my trailer,let them get themselves dirty and leave me in the cab.
i have always resisted the urge to rob anything out of the back of a trailer.
i do my job properly and thats as far as it goes.
if security want to see inthe back.i give them the gloves.
iv done my job.
theres no obligation to get back out of the cab as far as i am concerned.

Thank you Greg, a sane voice at last :wink:

A new security bloke started at a place I used to work, this new security bloke decided to start doing cab searches, no problem there except that he wasn’t allowed to search drivers personal belongings, I wonder how much stuff went out in peoples bags :laughing:

Seemed like a waste of time to me but it kept him happy :unamused:

Most sites have ‘site rules’ which, including others, state that the management of the site reserve the right to search the cabs of trucks leaving site. You’re only recourse would be that if they didn’t search it on the way in then why should they on the way out, but chances are you’re boss will just complain at you for creating a stink. Unless you are your boss then you run the risk of loosing your contract. Can’t win either way! :unamused: :unamused:

i don’t mind them opening the back doors to check. so long as it’s them and not me, nothing to hide apart from the other half.

Half of the dimwits wouldn’t know how to open the doors, and then you couldn’t trust them to close the doors properly after.


i don’t mind them opening the back doors to check. so long as it’s them and not me, nothing to hide apart from the other half.

Half of the dimwits wouldn’t know how to open the doors, and then you couldn’t trust them to close the doors properly after.

Very true at Tesco livingston i was leaving and security guard asked to search the truck, i said no probs, he said wait in your cab i’ll have a quick look.

Gave me a wave off you go, about 500 yards down the road noticed one of the back doors flapping open luckly had an empty trailer !

We have a lot more Maritime Security searches done these days, which includes a cab search. The guys that have the unenviable task of doing them knew it was unpopular to start with so they just climb the steps and glance in whilst you do your twistlocks and the other bloke checks your trailer underside.

Now it’s just no big deal - I know I’m not a terrorist about to set a bomb off in the terminal, they know I’m not a terrorist about to set a bomb off in the terminal, so we do what has to be done and get on with it. They can’t justify only searching the people they don’t know, so I, and most others, would rather be lumped in together and safe than left to chance and sorry.

I dont mind them checking the trl but do not like the idea of them searching my unit after all it’s my home for a week at a time and has all my personal stuff in there, do they really want to check my underpants or what. If there was anything on the trl it would be there numpty workers that put it there not me !

I dont mind them checking i find it a bit weird when they want to have a quick look in cab but i have nothing to hide, I think its nice to think all truckers look out for one another etc but reality is they don’t as i have said before everytime i have had my curtains cut im 99% sure its been another driver. On that note though they also must think were all thick if were going to leave stolen goods staring at them when they open back door :laughing:

Funny thing is, when you have a split load, with pallets for onward delivery, they just look at them! They haven’t a clue what is supposed to be on them or whether there is any nicked stuff on them.



Very good Giggle 2

No, i don’t mind, usually lose that much time at RDC that i’m trying to catch up to make next drop that i just get them open as swiftly as possible so i can get going.

personally i don’t object to opening the doors up, what i don’t like is the fact that they think i’m too stupid to know the difference between a red light and a green light when i’m parked on the bay, i don’t mind handing my keys in but i object to having to sit in a small room with a load of other drivers that are not as clean as me and some of the foreigners you see in the rooms you can actually still smell them from outside.

the only reason they make security guards check in the back of honest truckers wagons is its the only way they can stop them watching jeremy kyle all day. What a boring job! Don’t treat security staff with distain give them the pity they deserve.

No real problem with them checking back doors , and even the cab , as long as they dont make a mess ,
Use to love when the searched my bag on way in /out i asked wot they was looking for “stolen goods & bombs” when asked wot they did when/if the found a bomb , it was blank looks lol £5 a hour secruity with OED training ■■? :laughing:

When you go to an airport these days you will be searched not once but more than likely 3 times…Now are we all terrorists■■? NO!!!
When Mr/Mrs Security search you at the RDC you are NOT a Thief he/she are just doing their job.
I got stopped going out of Harwich last week and a nice young lady searched my cab , bags, dirty washing the full monty, not a problem, she even put covers over her shoes!!!
Chuffin ell don’t be so bloody miserable…

Just be glad you don’t have US border (in)security searching your wagon… they leave the place a tip, you can’t watch them do it either.

At Birmingham Tyre Fort (Dunlop} You have to open both doors at security because they are too stupid to look around the corner :confused:

At one place I delivered to severasl years ago I had the truck searched BEFORE I tipped and again when I left.

Mind you the place near Huntingdon does have problems with animal rights types…

I remeber when I used to maintain the FLT computers at Beck & Pollitzer Daventry I used to get the car searched for stray beer. They didn’t worry about the several £ worth of their computers I was taking off site for repair. :slight_smile:


and the end of the day these places have rules, and its the poor minimum wage guard who has to impliment them , i have no problem opening the back up, its just part of the job,