Are all Poms this wierd?

To be fair I would have felt cheated if I hadn’t discovered stuff like Dortmunder Pils and Hofbrau and Hacker Schorr and even Swiss Rugen Brau by the litre.
No use asking for a pint of ESB or Youngs Special on the continent.
Hopefully I’ll be forgiven for ‘infiltrating’ any topic concerning beer.

This was a French wine and it came out just as wine started to be consumed by the working class
It was super popular wine with advertising on tv and every where else
At the time i Did a work trip to france just before Christmas and went everywhere i could to try get it
Not a hope the French never even heard of it, i found out later it was only made for the export market, it was a nice wine though

Le Piat d’Or was launched in the UK in 1975 and soon became a major player and a significant contributor to the growth in wine-drinking in this market. It became a brand leader through the 70s and early 80s and created substantial markets in Canada and Japan. It only failed to penetrate the US

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Until the 70s beer consumption was very parochial, with each state having its own breweries, the products were fiercely defended by the appropriate local population.
In the eighties it became popular for, particularly retirees, folk to move interstate. As people tend to do, they wanted to bring their previous lifestyle and habits with them. This opened up new markets for breweries and other industries, marketing nationwide instead of locally.
Carlton and United, who brew Fosters, started brewing Fosters in Queensland. The recipe may be the same for Victorian and Queensland brewed Fosters, but as all beer is 90% water, the two never taste the same.
We now also have many micro-breweries and craft beers, personally they’re all the same. I prefer rum.

You’ll be fine cobber.

Right up to the point where you tell us what the brewers are doing wrong that is :+1:


Detest Lager. Like beers I can chew. Dog, Guinness, Bishops Finger, London Pride, Spitfire, Lancaster Bomber

Indeed. Like you, I enjoy Continental pils and occasional lagers abroad. Funnily enough, the Egyptians have been producing excellent pils since the earlier part of the 19th century. Jordan also produces very nice beer!

Syrian beer was pretty good too, and Turkish ‘Efes’ was popular - almost legendary -amongst ME drivers.

I recently did the tour of Shepard Neame brewery.We all did the tasting test at the end of it.Strangely they didn’t actually put Spitfire out as any of the samples.Draught Spitfire is really their only brew that I actually like wasn’t impressed by any of the samples.
The local Youngs pubs have replaced Special with their Winter brew for a while which is even better.

Been round Sheps brewery two or three times but no in recent years. Until about 30 years ago their Masterbrew was one of the best beers on the planet in my opinion. I’d love a glass or six now! They completely changed the recipe to make it easier for non-real ale landlords to keep. It’s been bland rubbish ever since. I used to swear by Sheps but never touch a drop now. Kent is full of excellent micro-breweries with lots of micro-pubs to dispense it all.

Was in Tunisia for a holiday years ago and the local brew was horrible, next morning your throat would be raw, it was the only beer you could get
Sitting on the beach one day and there’s a person useing it as a suntan cream rubbing it all over his body, he must have been a local
So it must have been good for something

Assume you mean Guinness Original?

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Ditto. Wadworths 6X was my favourite at the local in Upavon.

Down here, I like pale ale, but not the ones that are all fizz and hops.

Even in the 80s that was a thing, with varying results. I couldn’t stand Reschs (NSW) stuff :face_vomiting:

Most Australian beer (ales or lagers) are top-fermented, which makes them lighter but gassier. Poms should not assume that something labelled Bitter on the tap (or the bottle) means it is bitter: it’s a lager (VB for example).

I can’t remember seeing Fosters anywhere for years, even in bottle shops (off-licence), not that I’m looking.

Removed…posted on wrong thread…what a tit.:joy:


Just trying a few pints of this stout. Very nice it is too, the walk home won’t be too cold :laughing:

That’s a funny looking pint glass

Haha. Just a standard barrel glass but does look a bit odd there

I was in Spoons yesterday, I noticed they had a Rhubarb beer on tap.
I didn’t get around to trying it, maybe next time…beer good, rhubarb good, so I suppose…what’s not to like?

I like custard, I like beer, not sure I’d ever ask for them in the same glass. :face_vomiting: