Apprentice young drivers scheme

Lorry driving is a profession, much higher than a trade.
Of course it is, which is why you can do it professionally in a week or so!

By definition, anything that you do for remuneration is a profession. Although it requires a great deal of skill to be proficient at a trade.

Basically almost anyone can drive any class of lorry within two months provided that their pockets are deep enough!

Tipper Tom:


Tipper Tom:

“Apprentise Driver” you takin the p or what?

An apprentise learns a skilled job over 5 years not a bloody drivers licence over 2 weeks.

You think driving a truck is a skilled job? Open your eyes and see some of the muppets out there driving the bloody things.You can import these vegatables from any eastern european state you care to name.

Dont insult apprentiships eh.

Have you got anything good to say or are you just on here to neg every one out?

A young lad got off his back side and put some effort in to develop himself and all you can do is slate him and hgv drivers. How about giving the lad some encouragement for not being a lay about for goodness sake.

Have a word with yourself and sort out whatever’s giving you this negative view of the world, or else just remember if you’ve nothing good to say, say nothing.

a young lad didnt get off his backside he was offered a career on a plate thats an insult making it sound like he worked for it cause he put his name forward

Surely he had to get off his backside to put his name forward

probably didnt his relative probably did it for him also ever heard of phones he probably if he did it himself called

Lorry driving is a profession, much higher than a trade.

Of course it is, which is why you can do it professionally in a week or so!

By definition, anything that you do for remuneration is a profession. Although it requires a great deal of skill to be proficient at a trade.

Basically almost anyone can drive any class of lorry within two months provided that their pockets are deep enough!
And basically anyone can learn a trade in a couple of years.
We all start on the same platform from nothing.
The length of training time means ■■■■ all.
You could effectively learn to drive a lorry in 3 years properly because in those 3 years as a tradesmen you will have already covered everything you are ever going to do where as passing a HGV test is the very start and it could take 3 years for you to experience everything from a hgv driving job.

There are tradesmen out there that are more talented than others having the exact same length of training and the same goes for drivers.


Tipper Tom:


Tipper Tom:

“Apprentise Driver” you takin the p or what?

An apprentise learns a skilled job over 5 years not a bloody drivers licence over 2 weeks.

You think driving a truck is a skilled job? Open your eyes and see some of the muppets out there driving the bloody things.You can import these vegatables from any eastern european state you care to name.

Dont insult apprentiships eh.

Have you got anything good to say or are you just on here to neg every one out?

A young lad got off his back side and put some effort in to develop himself and all you can do is slate him and hgv drivers. How about giving the lad some encouragement for not being a lay about for goodness sake.

Have a word with yourself and sort out whatever’s giving you this negative view of the world, or else just remember if you’ve nothing good to say, say nothing.

a young lad didnt get off his backside he was offered a career on a plate thats an insult making it sound like he worked for it cause he put his name forward

Surely he had to get off his backside to put his name forward

probably didnt his relative probably did it for him also ever heard of phones he probably if he did it himself called

I see what your saying but we don’t know what this lads circumstances were leading up to his offer. When I was 18 my boss put me through mine. Now I’d only met him a few times but his mum was like my ex’s nan so I knew the family. Now to paint a picture my boss is not the type to throw money to some spotty brat just out off college. He had drivers and went through his fare share off them because its his way or no way, he expects more than most are willing to give. When he offered me a job it was because I’m a grafter I have the same work ethic as the family. I’ve worked Since I was 13 washing cars all week after school and all weekend at a garage, and whilst my mates were enjoying there 6 week holiday I’d be coming up with some scheme to make more money. I left school with 3 jobs cleaned teachers cars after school went straight to a call centre from 6-9 all week worked all weekend and the same through college. Now you may say I was handed my liscence on a plate but I see it that my reputation off getting off my arse and grafting as many hours as I could find resulted in me bein noticed by my boss who thought I was worth investing in. I say congrats to the lad he may off had family inside that made it easy for him but we make our own luck and he may have earned the opportunity.

Fb you buy your license not your trade.if you fail a driving test just keep resitting it if you can affordvit but fail your trades skill test and younproberly wont get another chance.truck driving is a semi skilled job but not a trade.that s only my was mentioned about the crap wages,that is reflectent on the skills required.because you passed a driving test doesnt mean you will be paid 15 quid a hour and get a shot of the bosses wife.we are not in demand,the counry will not suffer without us.this is just my opinion and dont mean to offend anyone

My lad did something similar with Salvesens. He got a job there with only a fork lift licence when he was 18, and worked in the warehouse,
Then they put him on the "Young driverss Scheme". Under which he did first his Class 2, First Aid Course, Manual Handling, Class one, ADR Hazachem,....Basiclly anything you can think of... he did! Hes still there, (Norberts), with loads of experience and must say he thinks the job is “Meh…Ok I suppose!”

He doesnt actually hate trucks, you wouldnt catch him polishing one. But hes ok with it. Its just work. Very few young uns coming in now. Cant blame them either. Anyway, hes never thought of it as an apprenticeship and I wouldn`t call it that either, maybe its going a bit over the top to do so.

Congratulations to Jack, it must be a big company, their insurance premium will be huge. I most definitely couldn’t afford to put a 17 yo behind the wheel of my pickup let alone an artic.

We looked into it when we were taking a 21 year old on, the only difference was an extra £500.00 on the excess, so we did a deal with him that he payed the additional excess.

The Govt backed ‘young drivers scheme’ which was in force for many years was very good in most cases for those under age 21 but it got scrapped on 09/09/2009 when the dcpc was introduced and allowed those as young as age 18 to gain any LGV licence

There is still a provision that those aged 18 to 21 can only drive LGVs over 7.5 tonnes commercially or privately if they pass the initial dcpc

The initial dcpc is in no way anywhere near what the young drivers scheme did for young drivers

Whilst there are experienced drivers out of work then it is unlikely that most firms will introduce any sort of apprenticeship scheme for those entering this industry as newbies