Any RMT Union Members on here?

i should hope you are in ti jessy dad, or i would be having our shop steward on to you in a flash, moz!!! :laughing: :laughing:

IMHO it is not a case of what the union is like, but more a case of what your local rep is like.

Got it in one!

A TM will shoot a bluffer down pronto, a properly trained rep will have the answers ready before the questions are asked.

If any of the unions were up to their job we wouldn’t have weekly posts on this forum about the drivers CPC, POA or the RTD.

At a local level it’s not the unions’ job to run the country, they’re there to present the members’ concerns. Some you win …etc.

Just to add-Any driver who works for Stobart is crazy if they don’t join a union asap.

■■■■ right! URTU, contact 0161 485 3109.

There are those who think anyone who works for Stobbies is just crazy! Hmmm.

Just imagine Stobbies (and other large companies) fully unionized… !