Another step towards driverless vehicles

Never underestimate the willingness of big company CEOs to spend money in order to take jobs away from workers. That is the only money they are happy to spend, besides their bonuses and pension schemes and healthcare and company cars and fat paychecks and stock options, of course.

Uncle Albie:

It won’t happen in this country in our lifetimes. You might get away with it between two RDC’s on the M6 between Lancaster and Penrith, but that’s about it.

Ha Ha I would love to hear what you have to say in 10 years time pal.Do a bit of research and you may change your mind.

Maybe you should! :wink:

There were only 124 “disengagement” incidents last year, where a driver had to take control of a test vehicle on public roads, down from 341 in 2015.

Until they get that consistently to zero pal, are jobs are more than safe…
And when it eventually does occur, that will only be on trunking type runs.

I think we will see the system of platoon style trains of trucks on the motorway before long but truely driverless trucks will take a while longer.
Even then doing motorway trunking for a driverless truck is one thing but turning up at a building site to find someone who knows anything about what you are delivering and dealing with the security guard who can’t speak English may be tricky or will it just turn up and eject the delivery on the floor and drive off.