Another muppet driving a tanker

Going a bit off the original post but keping up with the later posts.

There are [zb] who drive tankers, tautliners tippers and tilts

There are arses who drive army trucks, ambulances and airfreight trailers

There are cretins who drive curtainsiders, cranes, coaches and cars

Some need educating, some need banning from the roads :stuck_out_tongue:

One question though!

What? :smiley: defected your arco yet !!!

As it says in the song, 2 out of 3 ain’t bad…L. :wink: :sunglasses: :laughing:

Same disturbing trend occuring here as well.It is obvious some tanker drivers believe in their own fantasy of being a Top Gun operator.
Went for a tanker gig a few weeks ago and after the rates and conditions were offered to me I politly declined their offer whilst trying to hold my laughter inside.
How does that saying go about paying peanuts■■?
20 years ago it was considered the best were invited to operate a proffesional unit in tanker work,wonder why so many blokes work with me are Ex-tanker drivers?