First of all bus company should not send a d/d bus on a route with a low bridge. Apart from driver, a controller should get sacked for allowing thos type of a vehicle on a low bridge route. I used to drive buses for 8 years and there was a list of routes with s/d only.
George’s road that can get my chocolate tanker under there
That upstairs passenger wearing the white hard hat must have known
something that the other passengers didn’t.
. . . and he’s still reading his newspaper as if nothing happened.
When I was a bus driver I needed a break from the public (bunch of dicks you are lol) so I went onto the cleaning, fuelling and shunting side for a while at Daw Bank in Stockport
1 day, I went to get a bus out of the park to be cleaned and fuelled, the roof was completely missing, all the upstairs chair backs were backwards.
Went into office to see who’d been driving it and it was a female driver who was just cashing in as if nothing had happened, she’d not mentioned anything to anyone and was just going to sign off and go home. We assume she was in shock or something, no idea, but where was the roof■■? Georges Road of course. Lucky it didn’t hurt or kill anyone.
When I was a bus driver I needed a break from the public (bunch of dicks you are lol) so I went onto the cleaning, fuelling and shunting side for a while at Daw Bank in Stockport1 day, I went to get a bus out of the park to be cleaned and fuelled, the roof was completely missing, all the upstairs chair backs were backwards.
Went into office to see who’d been driving it and it was a female driver who was just cashing in as if nothing had happened, she’d not mentioned anything to anyone and was just going to sign off and go home. We assume she was in shock or something, no idea, but where was the roof■■? Georges Road of course. Lucky it didn’t hurt or kill anyone.
Shock my arris she knew what she was doing all right, I’m pretty sure even if ypu was in shock you would say something, she was hoping chap on next shift wouldn’t notice on his walk round check lmao
ah good old Georges road claims another victim not hit by many buses usualy eastern european artic driver trying to get to the M60 at the pyramid .had a period where it was one a week would bugger up the rest of any shift got a call one night shift "Bridge bash Georges Road " put all the usual safety systems in place then get a second call " can you grab the camera and go take pics we are getting reports hes trying to reverse out and bugger off " get down there and theres a Hungarian registered volvo trying to unhook his trailer to escape as it was well and truly stuck no sign of plod just some chap who had phoned it in driver got very ansty when he realised who i was the realy unusual thing was this guy was coming up the hill and hadnt pulled across to the center of the arch .
Has that bus got leather seats on the top deck. WTH??
A lot of buses have those type of seats now, especially those on long routes like this one.